the park 2

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Eleven years old Taehyung run through the neat decorating park, while his hands flied wide, sweet giggle on his lips.

He run and run until he bumped into a figure equal to him. Both fell down opposite to each other hissing at the abrupt contact.

Taehyung pouted as he felt a slight pain on his butt because of the hard contact. "Hey you fine?"

His head snapped towards the familiar voice shoving inside his ear. "Yoongi hyung?" The later gasped internally, frowning and narrowing down the small smiling figure. His eyes grew big as soon as he recognised the face. "Taehyung?"

Taehyung excitedly bobbed his head, while yoongi helped him to stood up. Both chose a nearer bench to sit.

"Sit" Taehyung patted beside him motioning yoongi to sit as the later did.

"I was finding you?"

"Me?" Yoongi disbeliefly stared at the younger, while the other abruptly nodded.

"B-but why?"

"Kinda wanted to meet you again!"

"O-oh" yoongi stared down "m-me too"

"You too" He almost flinched at the squeal of Taehyung but contentment devoured him as soon as he got to hear soothing giggle.

He pressed a small grin in response while bobbing his head.

Yoongi's fourteen, he can understand his own feelings now while his great desire to get the younger two years ago has gone along with the days.

He wasn't surprised to see the younger in the middle of the park again after complete two years, but he was happy. He knew he has lost his youthful interest but yet the soothing giggle of Taehyung didn't failed to make his heart flutter.

"It's vacation again?" Yoongi's lips tugged with a sweet grin, while he threw the question out of nowhere. Taehyung shook his head, making yoongi to raise his eyebrows. "So?"

"I have my birthday this weekend so mom agreed to let me celebrate my birthday with grandma." Taehyung flash his smile as yoongi asked again. "December 30?"


"Taehyung?" Taehyung stared at his panting grandmother who's waving at him motioning him to come.

"You done grandma?" The old lady nodded.

Taehyung shifted his gaze towards yoongi whose already staring at him. "You're coming to our Christmas party?" Yoongi frowned. "You're inviting me?" Taehyung cutely nodded.

"Yeah since I don't have any friends!" Yoongi pondered hard but his mind only concluded with one thing.

"Okay I'll come."

"Taehyung~ come?"

"Oh coming grandma, 2 minutes." Taehyung hissed before staring at yoongi again.

"I'll be staying here till my birthday i guess." He counted on his fingers, while Yoongi chuckled at his tendency.

"I'll come tomorrow to take you from this park okay?" Yoongi cluelessly nodded. "At evening 4" yoongi nodded again as he saw Taehyung waving his hand leaving the park while his mind stuck with processing what Taehyung said.

The next day Yoongi waited for the younger the exact time he has asked for. Taehyung came with his grandmother and take the elder with him while Taehyung's grandmother informed yoongi's parents about his arrival.

There wasn't that much people in the party, only some neighbour aunties and some grandma's friends. Taehyung really enjoyed the party with yoongi, he'll be alone and dejected if yoongi wouldn't have come.

They both found themselves getting closer after the party. After that day, both of them became good friends. Yoongi became comfortable around him as he became more open up infront of Taehyung. His cute conducts always lure yoongi to spend more and more time with him.

They didn't missed a chance to meet each other within Those days as Taehyung's grandmother always took him to the park whenever he asked.

Yoongi sensed his inner sensation exploding again because of the overflowed cuteness around him. The long lost desire of him for the younger had came back as he wanted more and more of Taehyung.

He's fourteen now, and his sinful cravings to kiss the younger muddle him everyday whenever he gets near Taehyung. Meanwhile Taehyung was entirely clueless about yoongi. He likes to being with yoongi, his presence makes him feel butterflies but the younger still unaware of those feelings.

Now it's finally Taehyung's birthday, and the first person he invited was yoongi, because no way he gonna celebrate his birthday without yoongi.

And now they both are sitting near a pond, feet jiggling on the water. Cold evening, sun shadding a light colour of red while blue was only awning the sky entirely.

"Hyung see!" Taehyung voice came out utter excitedly while he pointed towards a little fish, glimpsing them for a second. Yoongi fondly smile at his giggle, so contentment.

So many things has changed in just a one week, so many. He was someone else one week ago and now look at him, fonding over a eleven years boy who don't even know what call feelings.

"They're beautiful look!" Taehyung pointed again, his eyes wide, while lips forming a 'O' looking at those wild swan swimming in the pond.

"Yeah beautiful" yoongi's eyes got fixed on those alluring features, he would blame his heart to thump so hard that started to aching inside of his chest.

He forcefully collect himself from thinking more as he completely turned towards the younger who's still looking at those swan.



"Look at me!" Taehyung didn't waste any time as he turned towards yoongi exactly the way the other did.

"What is it hyung?" His voice laced with concern while frowning. Hands reaching out to touch at those cold ones.

Yoongi gulped, before risking to voice.

"H-how do you feel s-staying with me?" Taehyung frowned, oblivious of the real meaning of those words but nonetheless he replied.

"I feel great hyung. You makes me so happy." Yoongi shivered at those foreign burning feelings, is it really something realated to love? An intense feeling of some deep affection?

He shook his head from the unnecessary thoughts. Before gazing at those circular hazels which already on him. Taehyung looks good when his eyes smiles.

"I mean would you like to stay with me?...... Like this?....... F-for always?" Taehyung frowned, licking his lips which caused the elder to lick his own.

While pondering over the words Taehyung couldn't find any words to reply. "Hyung?" Yoongi abruptly nodded.

"I'll tell you this after the party. And yeah, you're staying with me tonight." Yoongi couldn't wait to hear what will Taehyung's answer, but he have to so he patiently nodded his head.

I'll update again.
Thank you so much for 6k love my honey bun❤️

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