For Jungkook

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Jungkook sat quietly on the stool. His furious eyes still glued with the unconscious Taehyung. He couldn't help but cursing Taehyung all the time in his mind, he didn't like the way the doctor emitted about the younger's health issue.

Taehyung deserve to be scold or else he'll never take care of himself.

Jungkook's string of thinking smashed when his ear perked up hearing the clicking sound of the front door. Currently they're in Taehyung's apartment, waiting for his mom.

He hastily stood up making his way towards the front door, instantly founding a bewilder women who stared at him with utter shocked.


"Unexpected right?" Jungkook let out a swift snicker, before flopping onto the couch.

She pressed a faint grin, courteously bowing and placing the package she was carrying on the side wooden extendable table.

Jungkook blankly nodded before stating." You know what he meant to me right?" He got a prompt nod as a response from the lady, she abruptly rushed towards him, her hips colliding with the nearer stuff as she didn't even bother to hissed.

Her conduct didn't make the younger discomfiture as he was used to these types of behaviours. He saw her sitting on the floor before quering. "Did he do something wrong young master? Do i need to scold him?" Her eyes laced with entire fret and terror.

Jungkook boringly stared at her and shook his head. "He didn't but you did?" The lady gasped, opening wide her mouth as things puzzled around her mind.

What did she wrong?

"W-what did i d-do wrong young master?" Her voice sounded desperate, fear of loosing her cheap contract.

Jungkook pointed his hand towards Taehyung's room while she followed through her gaze and peeked on it. a audible gasped left her mouth as she forced stop placing her hand on it. Her son was there, sleeping unconsciously.

She couldn't help but blame Jungkook internally.
It was obvious.

Her heels unawarely turned on ready to go, check her son but-

"Wait" she halted, jerking as Jungkook stood up from his couch.

"I don't want your son unhealthy like this always" her gaze again lifted towards the room, eyes desperately urging to get a glimpse of her petite son.

"I can give you a last chance" she snapped, frowning and staring at Jungkook with immense plead. But it's not effective for the younger.

"Make your son fit and fine or else we gotta cencel our contrac-"

"No no no young master, h-he isn't weak but i-i I'll-" Jungkook moved his hand, motioning her to stop as she did, panting faintly.

"I don't want explanation." He snickered "i want him." She rapidly nodded, looking back and forth between Jungkook and sleeping Taehyung.

"Yeah so, i think I'm done.." he rubbed his both hands together, just to reduce slight awkwardness inside him before standing up from the chair, "i want him all healthy and fine as soon as possible. There's the medicine and stuff i bought for hi-"

"You don't needed to-"

"I know what i need to do, so keep quiet." Jungkook got a nod again. "Take care of him" and he leave the flustered women behind.

He in a swift opened his car door and get into it before closing it hardly. His mind couldn't comprehend the sensation throbbing under his heart. How could he even though about cencel the contract.

He'll never do it.
He can't do.

A deep sigh left his mouth as he slanted backwards on the seat, closing eyes in tiresome. So much things happened today. That laughing morning Taehyung, that warning, that fight in the cafe and-

He was even in the verge of loosing Taehyung, and the fuck he'll never let it happen, whatever it cost. He even fought again, that too infront of Taehyung. That's why the later maybe felt uncomfortable and fell unconscious.

He blame himself numerous times to fought with that filthy yoongi, but one part of him still urging to punch the shit out of him.

He couldn't comprehend the whole thing happening in this month, first that Bogum -simping over Taehyung for almost 2 weeks until Jungkook threatened him without Taehyung's conscious. Secondly some rendom girls from their class and many sucker, mostly boys which had to bear Jungkook's punch. And now this yoongi, what should he do to him.

"I'll fucking kill him" He punch on the steering wheel, causing it to honk loud. Which made him open his eyes.

He looked through the surrounding, so peaceful and pleasant. So very much great than his fucking ass big mansion. Taehyung really got a life filled with tranquillity.

His mind ran to the thoughts again, about the contract, about Money. Money is what gripping the bond between him and Taehyung and he no way wants to loose these money. Because he can't let Taehyung go out of his life.

What should he do to get him whole.
For forever.
All for him.

He can't just wait for time get him chances.
He'll ask Taehyung out in his birthday.

He nodded his head to himself, agreeing with his mind.
"Yeah I'll ask him out." And drive for his home.

"Oh my baby" Her hand roamed through the unconscious Taehyung's face, as other hand busy gripping the prescription page.

"Please be safe my love. I won't be able to live without you." She fondly caressed his head. "I'll make you soup hun. You need to be healthy. Jungkook's right, i don't want a unhealthy Taehyung. Not at least for me." And yeah she was right, she isn't trying to make him stronger because of the contract but for the fact that her son is only the source that she's living.

"Argh" Taehyung hissed at the sharp pain in his head as soon as he opened his eyes. He flopped his head again on the pillow, calming himself down while breathing deeply.

It took him more than five minutes to open his eyes without any efforts. His eyes instantly roamed around his room, concluding everything since earlier.

He fainted.
That fight.
Jungkook and yoongi.

Jungkook? Is Jungkook okay?

He got utterly worried for Jungkook, more than himself. What if the later got hurt by yoongi's punches? And he felt himself breathing heavily again.

His hands founded the glass on the beside table as he gulp it down, he again about to place it on the table but-

The note. A note on the table and a lot of rehydration solution package with fruit and medicine. He gripped on the page and opened it.

" Drink the rehydration solution and take your medicine otherwise punishment"

He realised it's doubtlessly Jungkook, and it didn't failed to bring a sweet smile on his lips. How jungkook is care for him is his beyond imagination.

He was already firm over his inner feelings that how he likes the other. Everything Jungkook does to him is just makes his heart flutter and thudder. He can't help but falling for the other despite knowing they can't be together. Never, no way.

He folded the paper before shoving it inside of the nightstand table. His hand swiftly brought a package of rehydration solution and drank it full.

Because he have to healthy for his mom.
For his Jungkook.

ily all so much.

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