middle of the night

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The strides of the wind even increasing when Taehyung was on the road, it was nearly midnight when he choose to strolled through the edge of the highway. No living being were looking around the place.

Taehyung shuddered at the cold wind touching his body, he could sense the warm liquids over his heated cheeks as well.

Raising both of his arms he embrace himself tight, attempting for a warm company but alas, the pace of the wind seems to increase more.

Taehyung flinched, his ear parked up, body hair erecting up with his large glossy eyes snapping back when he heard the thunderstorm behind him.

His legs shaken as he tried to keep up with his steps, trying to make it speed. His body shuddered for a second time when he heard the strom again.

"Oh god please." He cried out desperately, quickly wanting to go somewhere else where he feel safe.

Taehyung closed his eyes as he wished Jungkook to come for him, he wished the elder would help him, embrace him and take him somewhere else.

But one part of him, completely against of this thought, he no more wants Jungkook in his life no matter what.

He knows, the elder would definitely come. Sooner or later but he will.

"Oh god." He flied his hands, trying to hide his locks under his tiny palm as soon as the rain started to pour.

"What should I do." He mumbled, mind refusing to work as he gazed around, hoping for something to come up but nothing came.

"Phone... My phone." His shaken hand reached his pocketing phone but luck wasn't with him, his phone battery has died.

Taehyung stomped his legs, sparkling the water as liquid flowed down his cheeks, feeling helpless at this point. A faint sob left his lips but not further as he bit hard preventing the noise forcefully.

He swallowed, internally thinking that there's nothing he could do except running so that's what he did. But when he was about to ran he heard a loud honk buzzing from his behind.

Like it a indicate for him to stop.

For a brief seconds Taehyung though it was Jungkook, the elder seriously came to help him but his eyes widened in shock when he saw seo-jun coming out the car, hand clutching an umbrella.


A loud thunder caused Jungkook to flinched away from his mother's warmth. He backed away looking here and there and ending on his mother.

He doesn't remember how much time they stayed like that, the warmness of his mouth caused him to sleep which he couldn't refused eventhough he didn't wanted to take a nap.

"Which time is this mom?" Jungkook blurted out, voice deep and husky.

His mother ruffled his hair, standing up from the couch as she mumbled "almost midnight, you should go to sleep." Jungkook was taken aback as he abruptly stood up frowning further.

He sprinted towards the big glass window and looked around. About to rain.

"Taehyung's scared of storms." He mumbled as he grabbed his car key before throwing up a jacket over his shoulder.

"Take care of yourself kookie." Jungkook pressed a assured smile to his mother and nodded before leaving his house.


The rumble of thunder in the distance made Jungkook wince. He gripped hard around the wheel trying to focus on the road. He straightly drove off towards taehyung's old apartment as he was sure that Taehyung wouldn't go to his private one.

But for his disappointment the apartment was empty, only the wind flattering sounds could heard.

He swiftly left for his own private apartment, but there was also no sign of Taehyung. Jungkook panicked, he was panting till now because of his rush movement but soon his breath got heavier as soon as his mind flooded with many unnecessary thoughts.

"Oh shit, Tae." Jungkook hastily came out of his apartment as dialled Taehyung's number.

"Please pick up, pick up, pick u— shit." He threw his phone away panting heavily, he became frustrated and kick on the wall, completely desperate.

The droplets of pouring rain made him wide opened his eyes  "shit shit shit...... No stop." He mumbled gazing everywhere around him. He sprinted and took his phone back as it was the only source for now.

The first member came to his mind was seokjin, so he quickly dialled elders number.

"Hello? Jungkook can you hear me hello?" Jin shouted, as the sound of raining

"H-hyung?" Jungkook was breathless.

"What's wrong Jungkook?" Seokjin voice came out concerned.

"Is Taehyung with you?"seokjin frowned, it's almost midnight and what Taehyung suppose to do with him.

"What? No, he's not with me why?"

"No-nothing talk to you later."Jungkook cut the call leaving seokjin confused who tried to call back the younger but couldn't reach.

Jungkook gripped on his hair, feeling helpless. He again namjoon who told him the same. Jhope, jimin, even Jungkook tried to call Yoongi too but alas it was all in vain.

He could gather nothing.

"What do I do now?" He cried out, feeling suffocating and breathless. "Oh my god" he let his tired body flopped down on the floor.

"What should I do?" He mumbled not caring the warm tears and the rumble of thunders. His eyes were glossy, body tense which urging for Taehyung, his safety.

"Please please please where are you." His punch thudded the floor before covering his crying face but a sudden phone call startled him.

He swiftly wipe away his tears to beamed on the number but frowned when it came unknown but nonetheless he choose to pick it up.

"Hello jeon Jungkook?"

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