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Pulling up into the drive way into the new house, it was no what I expected nor what I wanted
Dad and his new thing aka my step mother, Marie decided to move me half way across the country to get away from my mum. Hell knows why I had to come with..

It was evident the movers had beat us here, they were stood by the front door already with a pile of boxes by their side
"I'll go and let them in" Dad said nodding in my direction
"Riley why don't you go looking around the neighbourhood and try and I don't know, Make some friends?" Marie asked making me roll my eyes

I moved past her to come into the gaze of a small red car pulling into the drive next to us
"Oh hey!" a tall brunette said standing out of the car, her whole body language screamed a need for attention
And that attention was clearly received by the boy sat in the drivers seat

"You must be the new neighbours" She smiled and I nodded
"I'm Beth and this is James" Beth smile making the boy nod in my direction
"Nice to meet you both, I'm Riley" I smiled, James stood by Beth's side looking me up and down with a playful smirk on his face
I don't know what the situation with this two is but if they were dating, I think Beth needed to keep an eye on the way James looks at other girls

I saw my goodbyes and carried on walking down the driveway to head into town, shortly after rolling my eyes in James' direction seeing the smirk grow on his face as I walked away


After about an hour of walking, I'd seen most of this small town, I'd seen the school I'm about to start, I've seen the library where I'll likely spend most of my time and the dance studio
I had debated going to this one seeing as it's closer but I've heard to many good things about The Next Step in the next town over
So as a compromise, Dad promised me he would take me there for Dance

I walked into this small park towards my house, it was quite literally halfway between School and Home
The sign posts read 'Parkour Alley'
Something tells me that name had a story and I was slightly intrigued

As soon as I sat down on small park bench amongst the grass area, I couldn't help but roll my eyes at the sight of a certain boy walking through the clearing
"I see you've found my spot" He chuckled with a smirk but long before I could come up with some sort of witty comeback, he carried on walking until he was long gone

This place was nice and quiet but also quite anxiously secluded. You wouldn't know anyone was here until you made your way past the big concrete wall by the clearing

It was dark now and I was still sat here not wanting to go home, that was the last thing on my agenda if I'm honest
I knew I would need to eventually but with all the issues I have with Marie, I anticipate I'll be spending a lot of time away from that damn house especially if Dad was at work
Which I know he will be for most of the time

Scrolling through my phone, I soon clocked to the time and knew if I wasn't home soon, I would probably end up locked out
So I shut my phone and rose to my feet, only then did I notice this small group of guys sat at another bench slowly now rising to their feet while a few shared a glance in my direction

I furrowed my brows but shook it off as I continued to walk away, the further away I walked, the more I noticed they weren't far behind me
"Wait up pretty little thing" One said making me instantly cringe
I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear before keeping my head down and walking

"come back beautiful! We're just trying to get to know you" Another said making my skin crawl even more
I knew if I turned back it would antagonise them to continue but that is the last thing I wanted. Right now I just wish I was home

I hurried my footsteps a little fast quickly turning a corner but the moment I did, I crashed into someone else chest making the pair of us fall to the floor
"Oh fucking hell" James cursed as we pulled apart
He took one look behind us seeing the group of guys slowly making there way over
"Everything good?" He asked but I was quick to shake my head

I have no reason to trust the guy but out of the options I have right now, he seems like the safer one

"come on" he said grabbing my hand helping me up off of the floor
"James who's your friend" One of the boys called with a smirk
"None of your business Dustin! She's with me now get lost" He growled
I looked at him a little confused before sharing a glance with him, his brown eyes were a lot more innocent then the last time I had seen them
This time where wasn't a smirk in sight

It wasn't long before James and I were stood in front of my house now
"For future reference. Don't be an idiot" He growled
"Don't be walking the streets alone in the dark, especially when you don't know what this place is like" James spat before turning and walking away, leaving me speechless once again

"Noted" i muttered to myself walking back into the house 

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