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It's been a week since the break in, the police had arrested Maisie and it didn't take her long to confess who the other two girls were
I was right about it being Amanda and Beth

Why they did is all still unclear, none of them can give a clear reason as to why but what James and I had gathered is they're all jealous about James

The police have asked me multiple times if I want to take this case further and every time I've said yes
They might of been friends of mine but what they did was unforgivable

I informed Sasha, Shannon and Shelby what had happened and it turns out each of them knew a little bit of why just by piecing together things each of them had said but Shelby had the most information
Shelby had hung out with them more then us so they trusted her with the things they said

Shelby has spoken to the police and written statements providing evidence for each of the girls

Beth was jealous that I was in A Troupe, I had James, I was doing incredibly well in all of my lessons and Beth wasn't, Beth had nothing going for her apart from the hatred for me

Amanda was Beth's spy in A Troupe, that's how Beth knew my routine for the auctions and knew how James and I were and was feeding everything back to Beth who was then telling Maisie

Maisie was a bit harder to figure out considering she was a closed off book to everyone however a comment she made about me gave us a slight insight
Maisie had said something along the lines of "James won't be Riley's for much longer"

All the girls had some jealousy towards James and I being together and they all had planned to do things to hurt me in order for me to be too scared to be with James again

I couldn't believe the girls I used to value and respect could do me so dirty and then pretend nothing had actually happened
I suppose their plan was I'd stay away from James so one of them could have him but the only thing that this has done is being us closer together

James has apologised for not listening to me back along with Beth's' behaviour
Neither of us have returned to school since it's clear we can't trust a single person we interacted with apart from Sasha, Shannon and Shelby who all had alibi's for that night

Each day they've all been coming over to check in on us both and to help fix my room again
They even all chipped in to buy me a new window which was being replaced later today
At least I know who my true friends are through all of this and I couldn't be more thankful to these 3 girls

Even people from The Next Step caught wind of the news and have also been coming to visit and they've also been giving a helping hand to replacing some of the stuff that was broken
These were the type of people I needed in my life, ones who actually cared about me and my well being instead of making it worse

Hopefully now with Maisie, Amanda and Beth being in custody things will get better and they'll leave me alone
I feel bad for them since I know deep down they're all nice people however they need to be punished for the things they've done

I was starting to feel better and coke to terms about what had happened but that changed after a phone call from the police telling me I didn't have enough evidence to put them behind bars
Meaning they'll be released tomorrow morning and the case is closed

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