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I've tried multiple times to reach out to Riley and every single time I get ignored. I already figured out that Beth would of been behind this but why she would do this is beyond me.

Riley hasn't been at school for the last few days and every time I try and talk to Maisie, Shannon or Sasha to explain what's going on they always walk away from me. I'm running out of ideas on what to do.

I'm unsure on what photos Beth has shown Riley but I need to find out for myself so get Beth to meet us in our old spot.. Parkour Alley.

"What can I do for you" Beth playfully says before sitting down "What did you show Riley?" I ask softly "I think you already know" Beth speaks softly "Beth you don't understand, that girl was before Riley" I scoff  "But you were seeing Riley at that point" Beth calmly spoke "Riley deserved to know James" Beth continued before standing up to walk away

I wish I hadn't gotten close to another girl.. especially after I stopped the deal with Beth to be with Riley

It was before we got together so surely it's not that bad right?

Maybe if I get Riley alone for her to hear my side of the story she'll forgive me but how an earth do I get Riley to meet me when she doesn't even answer my messages.

After I gather my thoughts together I head back to my car and start making my way towards Riley's house praying Patricks' car wouldn't be in the driveway. Luckily when I arrived his car was no where to be seen so I made my way to the door and knock.

The door slowly opens and my gaze lands on Riley, her expression changing as she realises I'm the one stood outside. "Please can we talk?" I beg making Riley nod and open the slightly more, making her way back to her room.

"I know what you saw looked bad Riley" I start "that girl you saw was before us-" I continue before Riley cute me off to say "When?" Making me sigh "It was after I called the deal of the Beth" I admit taking a quick look towards Riley I can see her eyes filled to the brim with tears.

"She meant nothing to me Ri, I just want you" I beg again "I know I shouldn't of done it" I continue only making more tears fall down Riley's face. "No James, I can't forgive you for this" Riley softly speaks "I need time away from you James" Riley continues wiping tears from her cheeks.

"So is that it?" I whisper fearing the words Riley will say next "I don't know James.. I need time to think" Riley speaks softly finally making eye contact with me "Are we over Riley? please just answer that?" I beg

Riley pausing making me grow with worry "No we aren't over we just need to take a break, I need time to process and see if I can get over this and then and only then I'll let you know if I can carry on" making me nod my head and quietly get up to leave. It wouldn't be good to bump into Patrick right now, he would only make me feel worse.

I was an idiot to think that a silly little thing wouldn't hurt Riley, I just wish I had seen that earlier then I never would of done it.

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