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"I had a great time tonight" I whisper to Riley as I skin trace her arm
"I did too, thank you my love" Riley whispers back opening her hazel eyes to meet mine

It was quite late at night now but we both got distracted before falling asleep however I wouldn't change it, in my opinion it was the perfect way to end our date night
I don't know how Riley does it but every time I look at her she's become more beautiful even when I don't think it's possible

Riley scoots herself closer to me so her head was on my chest with her arm wrapped around my waist where she slowly drifted off to sleep and eventually I did the same

I wake up to the sound of knocking on the front door so I quickly get dressed and rush downstairs to see who is knocking
To get to the front door I pass a clock and check the time which reads 5:45am only making me confused who on earth would be knocking this early?

I open the door the slightest bit allowing myself to wake up while talking to this mystery person
"Hey have you missed me?" A familiar voice says, I rub my eyes before looking up to see a brunette I never thought I'd see again

"What are you doing here?" I ask only making her giggle "I wanted to see you silly" she playfully says
"No please leave us alone" I sternly say before closing the door making sure I lock and bolt it before heading back upstairs

I try and be quiet so I don't wake Riley up but as I creep back in Riley's sat upright in bed with a concerned look on her face
"Please don't tell me that's who I thought it was" Riley whispers
"Well who did you think it was?" I ask causing her face to screw in confusion and anger

"Was it Jessica?" Riley sternly asks causing me to shake my head "No it wasn't Jessica.. it was someone a lot worse then her" I whisper while taking my clothes back off ti get into bed
"Then who the fuck was it?" Riley spits, her face full of anger now

"Because if it's some other girl you fucked that you haven't told me about once again then I'm done James" Riley continues to spit
"No no Jessica was the only one!" I beg trying to bring her in for a hug to comfort her but Riley pulled away
"So who was at the door?" Riley asks again causing me to let out a big sigh

"It was Beth" I sigh watching the colour drain from Riley's face which I'm sure my face matched
"How? What? I thought she was in prison?" Riley gasps
"So did I.. I have no idea how she's out but after we get up I'll do some digging and find out! The only logical thing I can think of is if someone paid her bail but who would do that?" I explain

"I didn't think anyone would bail her out.. but would her parents?" Riley sighs
"They might of done but surely we would of gotten a warning from the police" I say trying to find my phone but seeing nothing from them

"I just want her to leave us alone, why can't we catch a break" Riley whispers her voice breaking
I put down my phone and just hold Riley, we lay in silence as we process what's going on
I can't promise Riley that Beth will stay away this time because with Beth you just never know when she's going to stop..

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