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We had planned to go and find that swing that went across the lake however our morning was quickly ruined by a phone call from the police

Beth Amanda and Maisie are claiming that all of us have been bullying them for years and our mental health isn't right so we're beating them up and when they retaliate we then take photos of the abuse

Just when I thought they couldn't get any lower then what they are

James and I had packed all of our stuff and checked out early so we're able to come back home and go to the station to be questioned about these pathetic claims
Neither of us have said much since we had that phone call, I mean what can you possibly talk about after something like that?

I don't understand how they can't just admit to what they've done and accept the consequences.. unless I'm just asking for too much
I just want my life to be simple again, all this constant drama is getting way too much for me

It's been a few hours since we got to the station and Piper was already being questioned when we arrived and it didn't take them long to ask me to go into a separate room either

On the way down to the room I caught a glimpse of Beth Amanda and Maisie and it's safe to say they're all looking quite smug and proud of themselves

The police officer asks me multiple questions to do with the recent claims made and supposedly I'm the creator of all of this and it's been going on for years.
Bit funny how I only moved here around a year ago so how could this be going on for years?

I explained to the officer that I only moved here a year ago and that I can provide evidence so one of their claims have already gone down the drain

Other pathetic lies they've said are we're faking our injuries with makeup, we're the ones bullying and harassing them and to be honest I can't remember the rest since it was just stupid

We are all finally allowed to go home and as I was being escorted down I can see Beth Amanda and Maisie all sat in the same room they were in when I first got here
The smug looks we're long gone and it's safe to say their lies have completely fallen through

"Why could you just leave us alone" Beth growls running up to the door "If you just left me the fuck alone and you didn't take my life then we wouldn't be in this position" Beth continues to growl as I continue to walk down and ignore her

That's all the evidence the police need to drop their claims and arrest them all on the spot
I'm sure it won't take Maisie long before she admits everything to them, she already looks petrified

James Piper and I all go back to mine where my dad is waiting for us all and of course he's ordered us a takeaway, no one's in the right state of mind to be cooking
We filled dad in on everything that's gone on and even he isn't surprised that they're trying to lie still but he did agree that with what Beth said on our way back the claims should all be dropped and should move quickly since she's just given evidence it's all them

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