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It's the last day of regionals and we've got one performance to do and that's the group dance then later this afternoon we'll find out the scores. These last three days have been a whirlwind to put it lightly.

We make our way backstage for the final time and straight away I'm looking for Riley, I know she's extremely nervous so I like to try and calm her nerves the best that I can.

"Ah there you are" I say with a relieved sigh "Hey love" Riley says nervously while biting her nails making me grab them and put her hands on my waist "everything's going to be okay" I say softly while placing my hands on Riley's cheeks "I know I'm just so nervous" Riley whispers breaking eye contact with me. I close the gap between us and plant a big kiss on her lips. "Awwh you guys" Thalia beams while Eldon jokingly says "Eww get a room" making us all laugh "What a way to ruin the moment Eldon" I laugh

"What's so funny" a random voice says making us turn around "Max!" Giselle says excitedly "Have I missed your last performance?" Max questions "No we're about to go on" Michelle says making Max smile. "I'm glad you're okay Max, what's the damage?" Miss Kate ask "I've broken the bone so I'm out for about 6 weeks" Max says looking down at his foot "I'm sorry guys" Max continues "you've got nothing to be sorry for" I say while putting my hand in his shoulder "You had no idea that would of happened" I continue.

Our name gets called interrupting our conversation so we do our usual group hug before heading up on stage. The feeling of performing I'm front of the judges is such an indescribable feeling but it's something that I honestly love. We all did incredible, we danced better then we've never danced before. I just hope the judges see how good we are.

The judges announce that there's a two hour break  then we need to come back to find out the results. We agree to all go out and grab some food to waste the time and then come back and pack our bags so everything's all ready to go. We still have half and hour before the results and the last hour and a half honestly felt like a lifetime.

We make our way backstage while Miss Kate goes to the front of the audience to record it. I grab a hold of Riley's hand which starts a chain reaction for everyone else to hold someone's hand while we wait. Even if we don't make the top three I'll still be unbelievably proud of all of us.

"Thankyou for the turn out this year, it's so incredible to see all of you return and some new faces as well" the judge starts "Now I won't ramble too much because I know you're all anxious to know who the top three are" they continue

I struggle to focus to what's being said since the beating of my heart in my chest kept getting louder and louder, getting to the point it was all I could hear. I fell my arms being tugged and roar of screams beside me turning around confused I see it's my team. "We won!" Riley screamed jumping up and down with excitement and once reality hit me I was doing the same. Our entire team ran out onto the stage to get our trophy.

We just won regionals!

Miss Kate posted the video of us winning to our dance accounts making everyone aware what we've managed to achieve over the weekend. Everyone's calling their family and friends to let them know the great news apart from Riley that was, she was stood just away from the group with a grin from ear to ear but I could tell Riley was a little bit upset.

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