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The amount of crap Riley's had to deal with since she's moved here is absolutely insane and I know it's affecting her a lot more then what she's letting on

I understand Riley can't hide away forever but when she's at school all I do is worry for her safety
It's so dangerous for her being here especially since Beth and Amanda have been kicked off the team
God knows what abuse Riley's going to endure now

The school bell rings letting us all know school has finished, I grab my things and head to my car where I said I'll wait for Riley
Thankfully it was now the weekend so we wasn't back in this hell hole until Monday

I haven't got to wait long until I see Riley, Shannon, Sasha and Shelby making their way towards me but I couldn't help but notice Beth Maisie and Amanda  stood behind them all smirking while leaning up against the wall

I pull Riley in for a hug and ask "How was today?"
"It was alright, I was moved away from Maisie and luckily enough they've left me alone today" Riley softly says with a small smile on her face

We head back to Riley's house for the rest of the evening and do wha we usually do, hand out with Patrick, have a takeaway then relax and watch films
It's something so simple but I do really enjoy it especially doing these things with Riley

It's usually the only time I get to see Riley's genuine smile and it truly is my favourite thing to see
The evening was perfect just like always

I woke the next morning to see a bunch of messages and missed phone calls off of Piper
I check my messages to try and figure out what's going on

Piper~ James I need help
Piper~ James are you there?
Piper~ I've been hacked, every single one of my accounts have been hacked
Piper~ they're sending people messages pretending to be me

I walk downstairs so I can give Piper a call back to figure out all the details however she never picks up
I'm pretty sure I can guess who it was who hacked her but why are they going after Piper?
What has she done to deserve this?

First Riley then me but I don't understand why they'd go after Piper especially when it's because they're jealous of Riley and I
I mean the whole thing just doesn't make any sense what so ever

I never thought Beth Amanda or Maisie were capable of doing all these awful things but I suppose I just never really knew who they truly were

I now understand why they were stood against the wall smirking towards me at the end of school
I just thought that was because of Riley not me

Once Riley woke up I let her know what going on with Piper, Riley being just as confused as I am
The only thing we agree on is that it can only be Beth Amanda or Maisie because who else would target Piper

We later got find out that these messages were them being rude and nasty and there was even pretend nudes from 'Piper' too..

When does this end?

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