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Since James dropped me home last night I've had a really unsettled feeling in my stomach, I don't believe he's being completely honest with me. So for that reason I did some digging and I found out he has this whole other account on Instagram.

I then went and searched on all other platforms and found out that he's actually got 2 accounts for everything. I screenshot everything I find including pictures of him and Riley together.

I deserve to know the truth and I'm really annoyed that James couldn't give me that and the only way I'm ever going to get the truth is if I ask Riley myself.

I never realised that James could be that type of guy with 2 of everything just to maintain a lie. The James I knew growing up isn't the same James I see now.

I pretend that everything is normal when James picks me up to drive us to school and as we're walking in I already see Riley. I know that James will probably not let me speak to her so I'm going to have to do it discreetly.

I go through my lessons as usual and I hope that in my classes I find Riley however she isn't in any of them but that's okay I'll just wait until lunch. It comes around quite quickly and I noticed yesterday that Riley and her friends sat on a table not that far from James and I, I just hope that's the same case today.

Walking into the canteen with James' arm wrapped around me I take a quick glance around the room before finding Riley and her friends in the same spot as yesterday. That was exactly what I wanted to see, making me sigh with relief. James and I take the same table as we did yesterday and with that my plan starts.

Where I'm sat it makes it very easy to keep an eye on Riley so I don't have to keep looking over and worrying about James catching on. I see Riley stand up and start walking towards the doors by herself and with that I excuse myself from James and follow her to the toilet.

I wait by the sinks so I don't miss my chance and shortly after Riley comes out slightly startled by me waiting. "Hey Riley can we please talk?" I beg "James has been lying to me and I want to know the truth" I continue hoping it will work. "I thought he would lie to you" Riley softly speaks offering me a small smile

"Last night I found out James has 2 accounts for everything, one where he appears single and the other filled with pictures of you guys" I confess making Riley's eyes widen. "I never knew that.. basically when I came here James was with a girl named Beth but that whole situation was toxic and turns out they wasn't actually together. James broke it off with her and started seeing me and that only ended because Beth had shown me a picture of James kissing another girl" Riley explains

"Oh wow.. that's a lot" I say trying to process it causing Riley to nod her head in agreement "When did you guys break up?" I ask "A month ago" Riley confesses making my heart drop "I know why he's messing around with me, I think he's doing it to get back at you Riley" I softly say "I think so too but don't let him play you, I want nothing to do with James and you seem like a lovely girl and I don't want James to ruin that" Riley says

"Get out before your feelings are strong for him, you deserve someone better" Riley continues "Thank you for telling me the truth" I say with a smile

Riley is honestly the loveliest girl I've ever met and I really hope that after this whole ordeal with James, we both could be good friends 

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