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James had told me that I needed to pack my suitcase and make sure I'm ready within the next hour, god knows where he's taking me this time
I get myself all ready as quickly as I could since I was too excited to just sit around and wait for time to go by

I'm ready before I should be but that's nothing new but it isn't long before James sends me a text letting me know he's outside
I practically run towards the door giving a quick goodbye to my dad who chuckles at me

"You gonna tell me where we're going this time?" I ask James causing him to laugh and shake his head "You should know by now that I won't tell you until we get there" James laughs

We're about halfway into the journey when I start to remember the roads we're driving on but it isn't until we arrive that I realise James has brought me back to the treehouses
The same ones he had asked me out at, back when everything was so simple

It felt like a lifetime since everything was before but in reality it was almost 8 months

"I forgot how peaceful everything is up here" James softly speaks taking in the beauty this place has to offer
"It really is gorgeous isn't it" i gush doing the exact same as James was doing

James even managed to get the same treehouse we stayed in back along as well and it is exactly how I remembered it
"How come you've brought me back here?" I ask
"I just wanted to spend time with you without all the drama Ri.. I think it's what we both need right now" James says

I know we aren't back to how we used to be but this could make us get past that awkward hurdle so we're able to be how we used to be
And with being away from all the drama our little town holds it was incredible to be able to forget about it even it it's only going to be for the weekend

A few hours have passed now and we went for a walk around the forest but we toke a different route to before so we were able to find so much more, there are swings that go across a ledge with a lake below making it feel like you're much higher then you really are

We even found a cute gazebo with a beautiful array of flowers surrounding the grounds and pathways.
It's always when I think this place can't get any more beautiful then it already is then we stumble across something that just blows us away again

When we got back James cooked us his infamous steak which I'm not going to lie I missed, no matter how hard dad and I tried we could never get it to be as good as James'
I'm obviously not going to tell James that since then his ego will grow even more

Being here for even the afternoon has truly done us good, James and I are joking and laughing how we used to and I even find myself having to stop talking because I keep going to blurt out the words boyfriend or I love you
I'm unsure how James would feel if I said those words so I want to take it slowly just incase I mess things up again

"You can say it you know" James says with a smirk
"I have no idea what you're talking about" I laugh causing James to do the same
"You know exactly what I'm on about Riley, just say it" James softly asks
"I still love you James" I blurt out causing myself to blush slightly

"I still love you too Riley, I never stopped" James says only making my blush grow

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