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We're all waiting for Miss Kate at studio A so she can let us know who's going to be in A Troupe for nationals. With Beth being the way she is I just hope Miss Kate doesn't put us on the same team.

"Alright everyone!" Miss Kate speaks loudly, everyone stopping what ever they're doing to turn to listen "It was a difficult decision to have to make but I have to make sure this team is perfect" I grabbed James' hand as Miss Kate slightly pauses before continuing "A Troupe is as follows Eldon, Thalia, Max, Giselle, Amanda, James, Stephanie, Cierra, West, Michelle, Noah and finally Riley.. I'm still finalising the groups and duets for nationals so for today you can either stay and practice your skills or you can go home"

James and I decided to go to our spot in Parkour Alley and I think it's the perfect time to share my thoughts about how I think Beth's finding stuff out.

"I think I figured out how Beth is finding stuff out" I start making James give me all of his attention "With the dance routine I think Amanda was the one to go back and show Beth" I continue

"What about school?" James questions "I haven't quite figured that one out but the only people who know my full schedule is you and Maisie" I say "So you think it's Maisie?" James questions again but this time with furrowed brows

"I'm not sure but I know it isn't you" I softly say breaking eye contact with him "Ri I know you're on edge but I don't think it's Maisie or Amanda" James scoffs "You're reading way too much into this Riley" James continues

I thought the one person who would believe me was James but instead he's completely shut my ideas down.. all I wanted to do was get to the bottom of this

I guess I can sometimes be annoying with my overthinking but I never thought James would be the one to shut them down though, he's normally the one to talk through them with me

The plan for tonight was to for me to spend the night at James' however after his comments earlier I'd rather be alone.

It doesn't take dad long to realise something was up, patting the seat next to him I go over and take a seat trying to find the right words. "What's wrong poppet?" Dad questions "Basically that Beth girl had the same exact routine as I did for nationals and the day after she knew where all of my lessons were going to be even though she's not in any of my lessons" I start getting more and more frustrated.

"There's only a select amount of people who know those things which means two people I'm close too are going back and telling Beth" I continue, dad nodding his head taking in every word I say "Anyway I spoke to James earlier about it and he just brushed it off saying those girls wouldn't do that-" I say before Dad cuts me off "And who are these girls?" Dad questions.

"Amanda and Maisie, I couldn't even talk it out with James! It felt like he was just brushing aside my feelings" I say "You know I don't think James meant it that way at all, he probably doesn't think those girls would do that to you, not that you was being crazy or anything like that" Dad explains calming me down

Maybe James didn't mean it the way it came across, either way I need to speak to him to find out.

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