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Since James told me Beth was out of prison I've been on high alert, I don't understand why they would let her back out after such a short amount of time
James did do some digging like he had promised and we found out that Beth was bailed out by her parents and only she was bailed out

Bit strange they'd only bail out one of their children but at least it's only Beth we had to worry about.
So far nothing has happened, Beth goes to a different school and hasn't been allowed back at The Next Step however Beth does still live across the road but at least that's the only time I've got to put up with her

Wests party is tonight and I've been unsure if I wanted to go or not but James has been begging me to go pretty much daily
I feel like it'll be a good distraction but what if Beth turns up? I can't deal with her sober let alone drunk

James has reassured me that West knows Beth is back and is adamant that she won't turn up or if she does she's kicked out straight away but I'm still hesitant. The party starts in an hour and there's a knock on my door which I know will be James

I'm proven right when a puppy eyed James is staring at me as soon as our eyes meet making me giggle
"You're not going to give up are you?" I chuckle making James shake his head
"Please come Ri everyone wants you there, you're going to be safe no one is going to let any harm come to you" James begs

I sigh before letting a smile creep up on my face letting James know he's won this battle and as soon as he's figured that out he lets out a huge scream in excitement
I open the door up more letting a very excited James run up my stairs and when I catch up to him he's already going through my wardrobe finding me options for tonight

I take a seat on my bed watching James before he stops midway "Uh we've got an hour why are you hawking at me for" James sighs playfully
"I just wanna watch you that's all" I tease watching James' eyes darken

"Please don't do that to me" James begs only making my playful look grow
Before I can answer James' lips meet mine in a moment of passion, James slowly plants kisses along my neck and down my body before he gets to my the top of my jeans
James looks up at me waiting for me to give permission which I do so

"We've only got 15 minutes now" James chuckles making me laugh
"Let's go have a shower and we'll get ready, if we're late we're late I'm sure West can guess why" I laugh before heading into the shower

When I come back James has laid out 3 dresses for me to wear, a red dress which shows my cleavage one of James' favourites
A chocolate brown dress which hugs all of the right things and a dark satin blue dress which does both

I do my makeup while James is in the shower and straighten my hair before deciding to put on the dark satin blue dress with matching heels one I know James will love and when I catch his gaze I know I'm right

We've been at the party now for a few hours and I'm glad I agreed to come, it's been the best night out I've had in a very long time
Everyone I knew was pretty much here and it was lovely to see them all

I'm extremely drunk at this point and in the middle with a conversation with Michelle I realise I can't find James anywhere
"Hey Michelle do you know where James is?" I question causing her to shake her head and look around us
"No I haven't seen him for a while now" Michelle says

Come to think of it James hasn't been seen by anyone for 2 hours.. where the hell could he be?
I ask Eldon, Hunter and West who are all in the kitchen if they know where James is and Hunter replies saying "James went upstairs, he hasn't come down yet?"
My heart drops to the pit of my stomach and it's safe to say I quickly sober up, shaking my head I make a bee line for the stairs

The first two rooms James is nowhere to be seen, I check the bathrooms and still James isn't there
It isn't until I check Hunters room that I find James and what I see completely shatters me
He's spent two hours up here with those girls.. two hours while are a party with me and those two hours he has well and truly fucked up

I head back downstairs with tears streaming down my face and bump into Hunter Eldon West and Michelle who all stop me each with a very confused look on their face
"Wait Riley what's happened?" Michelle asks making me turn around to face them wiping away my tears and finally saying

"James is in hunters room fast asleep" I spit
"That's not bad though is it?" Eldon questions making me shake my head
"No it wouldn't be bad but he's in bed with Jessica and Beth and every one of them are naked with condom wrappers all around them" I spit and as soon as Hunter Eldon and West hear those words they all run up the stairs anger filling every one of their eyes

Michelle tries to comfort me but I shrug her off saying "I'm done, I'm done with James.. I'm done with The Next Step and I'm done with this toxic town" and I leave without muttering another word

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