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"I don't know if it's a good idea James" Riley sighs rolling over in my bed to face me, resting her head on the palm of her hands
"It will be, everyone there has missed you! No one has said anything nasty or mean in the slightest" I softly say running my hands through her long brown locks

Riley let's put another sigh before eventually nodding her head in agreement "Okay fine I'll come but if one person says something slightly mean I won't ever go back" Riley warns
"Of course we'll leave if someone's being nasty towards you, now we need to get up and get ready to leave" I say pulling the covers off of me causing Riley to groan

"Oh come on we've been in bed all day, you've got to get out of it at some point" I laugh making Riley stick her middle finger up at me
I've been trying to convince Riley to come back to dance since we got back into contact to be honest

I know that Riley is extremely nervous to go again especially after all the drama but everyone on the team knows about it all and even agreed they'd do the same thing
Every one has been so worried for Riley so I know that they'll love seeing her here tonight and the fact that we're back together as well

"Come on we're going to be late" I say as I gently throw a pillow at Riley's face only to receive the same pillow back shortly after
"I'm getting up give me time" Riley groans while slowly getting up

We had been sat in my car outside The Next Step in silence for a few minutes waiting for Riley to gain the confidence to walk inside to meet everyone
No one knew we was coming I didn't want to add any pressure on Riley

"Right, I think I'm ready now" Riley sighs grabbing her things and opening the car door so I follow her lead. I make my way around the front of my car and reach my hand towards Riley's intertwining our fingers
I gently plant a kiss on the back of Riley's hand "You've got this love" I whisper gaining a small smile off Riley

Dance practice had already started in Studio A so the halls were quiet, I take one last look at Riley who nods her head before opening the doors to revel Troupe A.
"Riley!" Michelle shouts before running over to give her a hug, shortly followed by the rest of the team

Everyone was overjoyed that Riley came back today, something I knew was going to happen
I'm just happy that Riley finally agreed to come, the look on her face shows that even she is grateful she finally came back

"Ah Riley it's lovely to see you" Miss Kate gushes before opening her arms, Riley following her lead and embracing Miss Kate in a hug as well
"Are you coming back to The Next Step?" Miss Kate questions and before Riley can even open her mouth everyone is begging for her to say yes

Riley's gaze meets mine trying to read my face, I give Riley a little nod and shortly after she looks Miss Kate in the eyes
"Yes I'll be coming back, when can I?" Riley gleefully says "Oh you can come back right now" Miss Kate laughs

"I'm so glad you're back" Giselle says before pulling Riley into another hug, followed by the rest of the team saying they're also really happy she's back

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