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I think it's been about a week since I told Riley everything I can't quite remember since my heads been a blur ever since trying to get the courage to tell Beth this deal is done.
I've been putting it off in case Beth goes after Piper like she said but on the other hand I want to pursue things with Riley and the only way for that to happen is to stop this.

It's after school now and I'm sat in my car waiting for Beth to turn up so I can give her a lift home like I always do.
I can see Beth walking towards me and the knots in my stomach grow more and more the closer.

"We've got to stop this deal now Beth it's gotten out of hand now" I finally say after gaining the courage making Beth's face turn red with anger
"this is all because of that stupid girl isn't it?" She spat
I glare at her as I say
"she has a name Beth and yeah it is about her! Im done pretending we're a thing" I say loudly.

"NO JAMES YOU CANT DO THIS TO ME!!" Beth frowns as she shouts

Tears now streaming down her face but I have no sympathy towards her not after how she's treated me and spoken about Riley, she's lost all respect from me. We arrive at her house when I remind her this is done and as Beth is leaving the car she turns around she says
"you both best watch yourself, I got away with it once I'll do it again"


As soon as Beth closes the door I drive away and call Riley to tell her it's all done and I'm now all hers.
"hello you" Riley answers the call with
"it's nice to hear your voice, I've called it all off with Beth" I chuckle
I can hear Riley let out a sigh of relief and say
"thankyou for doing that James"
making me smile once again

"anything for you Ri, can you be ready in an hour?" I question
"yeah I can, what you wanna do?" Riley responds
"It's a surprise, just be ready in an hour and I'll come pick you up" making Riley let out a little chuckle and agree to my plans.

We've arrived at Parkour Alley and Riley's currently blindfolded since I don't want her to see what I've done before we get there.
"Right Riley we're here now" I say excitedly
Riley matches how I'm feeling by quickly taking off the blindfold to find I've laid out a big blanket with a wicker basket full of snacks for a picnic date all ready for us

"it's the spot where you told me everything" Riley gushed with a grin from ear to ear on her face.

I smile and say "it is, I even made sure to do it at the same time so we could watch the sunset together"

Being sat here with Riley felt incredible, even though I haven't known her for long this is something I've never felt before.
The sunset was enhancing all of Riley features, her eyes look like pools of hazelnut and her skin is golden she honestly looked so beautiful.

Riley caught me staring at her and gave me a smile as I leaned closer and closer to her face planting a kiss on her lips which she returns gently placing her hands on my cheeks.

This evening has been perfect but as I pull away I notice someone in the distance who resembles Beth just standing and staring at us.

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