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Dance practice had almost finished and James has been off the entire time, he's unaware I asked Shelby but that's just incase his story is different
The entire time we've been practicing Jessica has been shouting me death glares and snide comments the entire time

I have a feeling something did happen otherwise her jealousy wouldn't be this bad
Hopefully this is over before it begins because I can't deal with another Beth, one was certainly enough

"Right guys that's it for today! You all did amazing now it's time for you to go home and rest" Miss Kate says making everyone grab their things and get ready to leave
I quickly look over to James who was just standing still  in the middle of the room staring at the floor but I go and grab my things and wait for less people to be in the room before questioning him

James slowly makes his way over towards me once majority of the team had left
"You ready to talk?" James timidly says making me nod my head
"Yeah we can talk in the car" I say standing up and heading towards the door

"So what have you got to tell me?" I question while fiddling with the rings on my fingers
"About Jessica" James says I stay quiet to make sure he knows I'm listening
"Basically she's been coming onto me the entire time she's been here, there was one time we're after we finished our duet I had taken her home" James says his voice breaking on every other word

"Yeah what else happened?" I sternly ask, I can feel myself getting more and more frustrated
"Uh well when we stopped, Jessica leant in to kiss me and one thing led to another" James finally confesses
"You fucked her in your car?" I spat
"Yeah I did" James timidly says
"Stop the car" I spat causing James to slowly pull into the side of the road

I storm out the car ignoring anything James had to say, why didn't anybody tell me this had happened?
James lied to me pretending all he's done is miss me and how he still loves me yet he shagged someone else
I wouldn't of cared if he was honest about it but he never once mentioned this Jessica girl

No one mentioned this girl to me until today and I'm beyond hurt by all of this
Why couldn't James just be honest with me?

I give Shelby a call to get more information and she informs me that James and Jessica never gave any indication to anybody that they had slept together. In fact in The Next Step they didn't give each other a second look but I suppose that was to hide what they had been doing

I could feel my phone going off while I was talking to Shelby so I briefly held the phone out to read what James had been saying

James~ I never told anyone that's why you were never told about her, I'm so sorry
James~ I should of been honest from the beginning
James~ Please forgive me Riley..

I scoff loudly and read the messages out to Shelby and the words said are something I don't really want to repeat but I fully agree with every word that left her lips
If this was the other way round James would be going through the roof

All I've ever asked for is honesty and I can't even be given that.. something so simple, something so needed for relationships to work

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