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It doesn't surprise me that Beth is acting the way she is anyone could see it coming from a mile away.
Beth has been spreading more rumours online and of course everyone who sees it believes her.
I do find Beth's pettiness laughable but now it's just getting draining...


- I was controlling everything she did
- Cheated on her with Riley
- Gave her many STDs
- I trapped her
- that I manipulated her
- and the newest one is that I abused her

Beth has started spreading rumours about Riley too, the newest one being that Riley assaulted someone in her old school and Riley ended up murdering them and that's why Riley moved here.

I've been putting a brave face on for Riley to try and keep her at ease but as soon as I'm on my own I break down.
The stuff Beth has been spreading is extremely hurtful and the one about me abusing her is the cherry on top.

I want to tell everyone the truth so they can leave us alone but I know no one will believe me because who believes a man, right?

I haven't been going to school much either, if I'm able to avoid it completely then I'll do so.
The constant shouting and name calling mixed in the stares and the pointing is too much to deal with right now.

My phone going off is what breaks me from my thoughts.

"Hello?" I say quietly praying it isn't someone calling to harass me
"Hey, can I please come over?" A soft voice says making me let out a sigh of relief
"of course you can Ri" I also say in a soft voice
"I don't want to be alone right now" I continued
"Neither do I, I'll be over soon" Riley says then shortly hangs up.

At least I get some time with the only person who understands me.


This afternoon has been exactly what I needed laying in bed with Riley with a mixture of snacks while watching many different movies.
Being with Riley makes me forget everything that's going on in the world. We were soon interrupted by a knock at the door and quiet voice calling my name.

"James?" Piper asks
"Come in Pipes" I say loudly so she can hear mePiper walks in with tears streaming down her face making me and Riley grow with concern.

"Beth has no come after me James" Piper says in a fed up tone
"What has she done? I need to know everything!" I say patting the bed for Piper to come and sit down.

"Beth has now spreading round that I do things for money.. James I've never even kissed a boy let alone do anything like that! No one seems to believe me!" Piper said getting frustrated.

I give Piper a big bear hug whispering "it's okay, I believe you" after a slight pause I continue
"I'll fix this okay?" Piper nods her head and wipes her tears.
I exchange a look to Riley and can see how scared she is so I pull her in so she can join our hug.

I have an idea to sort this but doing it would mean facing the person I hate the most, I just hope my plan works.

Beth has taken this too far now.

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