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It's the first dance practice since we won regionals and B Troupe are all here congratulating us, I mean all of them apart from one person that is. Beth is just sat in the corner on her phone waiting for B Troupe to leave to go into studio B.

Riley has still been a little bit quiet since regionals as well, she tells me she's fine but I know Riley better then that. I make my way to Riley's side wrapping my arms around her waist.

"Are you okay?" I whisper making sure I gain no one else's attention. "Yeah I'm fine-" Riley starts to say before I cut her off "I know you better then that Ri, I know when somethings wrong" I say placing my head on her shoulder. Riley sighs and says "it's just my dad and Marie, I didn't think things could get worse but they have" making me sigh as well "we can go to our spot after this and talk if you'd like that?" I ask gaining a smile and a nod from Riley.

I've only met Marie a handful of times but every time I have she's always got something to say and it's never positive.  I don't understand how Patrick lets Marie walk all over him, I just hope for Riley's sake Patrick realises sooner rather then later.

I wouldn't of noticed B Troupe leaving if it wasn't for someone almost knocking myself and Riley over. Looking behind us we see Beth smirking in our direction followed be a wave making Riley and I look at each other confused. "I thought she would of left us alone by now" Riley says with disgust "Yeah so did I" I reply with the same amount of disgust.

After practice Riley and I make our way to Parkway Alley once again sitting under the same tree where I first told her everything. Before Riley can start telling me what Marie has done we were rudely interrupted.

"Hey guys! Fancy seeing you here" we look up to see Amanda walking towards us, furrowing my eyebrows before saying "Oh hi Amanda" without saying another word Amanda sits down in front of us. "How come you're here?" Riley says confused gaining a laugh from Amanda.

"Can I not join my friends in the park?" Amanda questions "Well yeah but we've never seen you here before" I say "Oh don't be silly I'm always here" Amanda replies before continuing "So what were you both talking about then" "Nothing tbh we came to watch the sunset" Riley quickly replies.

I've been here many times and I've never once seen Amanda here, my gut tells me she's here for a reason but what reason could that be for. Amanda tries to start a conversation about Riley and I which we quickly shut down, we don't know Amanda that well and don't just want anybody knowing our business.

As soon as the sun sets Riley and I leave Parkway Alley as soon as we're away from Amanda I say "That was really weird" making Riley nod "It was, I get a weird feeling from her" Riley's says with concern which I completely agree with "Yeah I feel like that she came here looking for us" I grumble looking behind us to check Amanda isn't following us and thankfully she wasn't.

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