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Miss Kate and Michelle have both gone downstairs to sign The Next Step into the competition. Amanda, Thalia, Giselle and I are the only ones finishing getting ready we've got 3 of our routines being performed today.

The nerves are getting the best of me and Amanda notices I'm struggling to sort my hair the way it should be.

"Here I'll help you" Amanda says softly taking my hair out to re do it. "Thankyou" I say softly with a smile which Amanda returns. Amanda manages to do my hair better then I would have and with that we head down ready to perform the trio.

I didn't think my nerves could get worse but oh how wrong was I. Standing backstage watching all the other trios perform is making me feel physically sick. James notices and comes to stand behind me, wrapping his arms around me and putting his head on my shoulder while whispering words of encouragement to me.

It's our turn to perform so we do one last group hug before heading on stage. "You girls have got this" Miss Kate starts "you're all going to smash it out there" Eldon says every word laced with confidence. Michelle Thalia and I make our way on stage, the stage lights making it difficult to see the audience but I'm thankful I can't see how many people are actually watching us.

We finish our dance and we've hit every single move the way we should of and I couldn't be more proud of us. As we run off stage the rest of our team matches our excitement. "Well done guys!" Amanda shouts so we can hear her and others are also congratulating us. "James and Riley!" Miss Kate says loudly gaining our attention "you guys have just over an hour before your duet" miss Kate continues making James and I both run back to our rooms to get ready.

It takes us 45 minutes to get changed and back downstairs ready for our names to be called. James and I are just off from the group both just trying to calm the other one down.

"I'm so nervous" I whisper to James "so am I Ri but you're incredible you don't need to worry" James replies while planting a kiss on my lips. I notice in the corner of my eye Amanda staring with a blank expression but I don't pay much attention to her. Our name gets called and of course we do another group hug to hype us up before heading on stage.

This time round I feel a lot more comfortable being on stage with James. While performing I notice Amanda stood filming us with a smirk on her face which I again ignore, I guess she must be filming it for us all to watch later so I give my focus back to James.

Going backstage we're once again embraced by the rest of our team however Amanda doesn't seem to be about anymore. Some of the team go off to grab some food in a local restaurant so we didn't crowd backstage. The food had taken so long we ended up missing our last performance but Miss Kate said they did excellent.

We all head upstairs to get ready for bed and to wind down so we can get a good night sleep before the next day which was full of performances yet again.

"Where's Amanda?" Michelle questions making us confused since we all thought she had already come up "I noticed she left after mine and James' duet" I pipe up "yeah I did too" Thalia agrees. Michelle, Thalia and Giselle all try calling her and Amanda fails to answer any of them so Michelle goes to Miss Kate to see if she has any answers.

After about half an hour Michelle comes back with no further answers. "Miss Kate tried calling Amanda and she didn't pick up her call either" Michelle says making us all worry. "Miss Kate told us to get some rest and she'll figure out what's going on" Michelle continues so that's what we try and do.

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