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(1 month later)

I still haven't gotten back with James, I haven't even had any contact with him since I broke up with him. I managed to convince my dad to let me be home schooled so I could avoid everyone.

I also don't go to The Next Step anymore, I told Miss Kate everything and she did let me know I would always be welcome
However I couldn't face James not after what I did

I removed everyone off of my social media and for the first week James did try and see me at my house but I either begged dad to not let him or I pretended I wasn't in
This isn't how I thought my life would be

James has been there through everything, no matter what I was faced with I always had him by my side and now that's gone
I rarely see my friends either but Shelby has always stuck by me

I see Shelby the most, Sasha and Shannon are both incredibly busy which I understand. Shelby comes around most days and she's never once asked me what happened which I appreciate

And today was no different, right on time Shelby walks through the door walking straight to the kitchen to see what snacks I have
I follow behind her and she pulls me into a hug "Have you heard what's been going on?" Shelby asks concern written all over her face

"No? What are you on about?" I ask furrowing my eyebrows
To be honest I never know anything that happens anymore, I'm rarely ever on social media nowadays

"Beth, Amanda and Maisie have gone after Piper again" Shelby says causing my heart to drop
"What have they done?" I ask dreading the answer
"They've gotten a bunch of girls to repeatedly harass and beat her up and this is happening daily" Shelby starts to explain "They've even gone after James, just the other day he was rocking a black eye from getting jumped" Shelby continues

"They never stopped.." I whisper, my heart sinking even more
I take a seat at the table putting my head in my heads in disbelief

Why did I ever think Beth Amanda and Maisie would stick to their word
Instead it's gotten so much worse but why?

"What are you talking about Ri?" Shelby questions causing me to sigh
"The night I broke up with James I had met Beth Amanda and Maisie and they all said that if I broke up with James, the abuse we were all getting would stop.. however the abuse only stopped for me and now theirs is getting so much worse" I confess

"Why didn't you tell me?" Shelby asks "I would of kept an eye out for them for you, instead I've been ignoring them" Shelby continues
"Now we're both beating ourselves up" I slightly chuckle trying to make light of the situation

I know what we need to do now, I've still got the evidence from all of my abuse and I'm pretty certain James and Piper will have it too

"We need to go to the police Shelby, can you come with me now? They need to be stopped once and for all" I sigh
We head down and walk straight up to the front desk, we get told to take a seat and someone will be with us when they're ready

The wait doesn't take long at all and once the officer comes out to talk to us it was the same one as before
"I think I already know why you're here" he says guiding us to one of the rooms
"Yeah you probably are right but this time I've got a bunch of evidence and I'm pretty sure the other two involved have it too" I say causing him to smile

"Good I'm glad to hear it, so when you're ready explain to me absolutely everything in detail" he asks so that's exactly what I do whilst showing him the photos

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