Please save them

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Alfina shook Bernard's shoulders, trying to wake him up, "Bernard! Bernard, please! Wake up!" Alfina began to tear up as the elf lay there motionless and pale. Then, Alfina sits on her knees, staring hopelessly at him. Not knowing what to do for the elf, Alfina took her surroundings to see where they landed. The forest smelled like pine and oak to her.


Alfina snaps her head to the right, where the sound of leaves and twigs cracking and rustling.



The terrified girl wraps her arms around Bernard, "W-who's there?!" Her voice cracked as she called out. Alfina squinted through the trees in front of her. A massive shadow moved slowly toward her and the injured elf.


Alfina shook as she tightened her grip on Bernard. Coming through the trees was a massive black bear. The bear paused for a moment, then stalked towards her. Alfina's body shook uncontrollably, and her grip tightened on Bernard, bringing him closer to her chest. The black bear growled as it inched closer, baring its teeth and its beady black eyes narrowed.

"Help!" Alfina squeaked quietly.


Without warning, the black bear lunges at Alfina, causing her to scream in fright, "Ahhhh!" Alfina curls up as the bear charges at her.



Alfina cringes at the sound of a gun going off. Alfina spots a man approaching her, holding a rifle in his hands. Alfina snaps her head back to see the bear on the ground, dead.

"Are you alright?" The man steps up to the shaking girl and notices the unconscious figure in her arms. The man mumbles a curse, "What happened to him?" He demanded as he checked for a pulse.

Alfina wasn't sure how to answer the stranger and pulled Bernard closer. The man notices drops to his knees and sets his gun down next to him, "It's okay, just take a deep breath and start from the beginning." He coaxed, resting his hand on her tiny hand.

"His... his Master... we ran away..." Alfina struggles to begin. The stranger connected the dots as he glanced at the bruising on Bernard's throat, hands and face. "Abuse and they had to escape." The man pondered. Standing up, the man gazes at Alfina, "I will carry him. My cabin isn't far from here, and I will take care of his injuries," The man sets the safety on the gun, "Could you please carry that for me?"

Alfina takes the end of the gun, being extra careful not to touch the barrel as the man bends down to pick up the injured elf. "Who are you?" Alfina questions as she follows the man through the trees and on a winding path.

"I'm Tom Venandi," He replied, "What's your name, little lady?"

Alfina felt sweat trail down her neck, "Oh... umm... Alvin, Alfina." She hesitated. Tom glimpsed at the girl beside him, "Well, Miss Alfina, a pleasure to meet you. Who is this young man?" Tom peers down at Bernard in his arms. Alfina focused on what was in front of her, "Bernard." She whispers sadly.

Tom felt the distress coming from the girl as she took an interest in the ground. Tom frowned at her and back to the injured elf in his arms. A small wooden cabin appears through the trees, smoke rising from the chimney. The man gestures to Alfina to open the door as they arrive at the house. The pair stumbled inside and closed the cabin door.

Tom gently sets Bernard on the old worn-out sofa and takes the gun from Alfina, "Alfina, the kitchen is to the left; could you please get a rag from the bottom shelf and soak it with water? I need to make sure he doesn't have a fever."

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