In The North Pole

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It was 1994, and the elves strived to keep up with their jobs. The head elf watched the happy elves work as hard as they could; however, Bernard felt sad at this time. It has been three hundred and ninety-four years since Alfina returned home. It probably didn't feel that long for her, but to the head elf, it felt forever. It is Christmas Eve, and Santa hasn't returned yet. 

"Not again..." Bernard mumbles as he makes his way to the reindeer stalls. "Look, it's the new Santa!" An elf called out.

The older glances up to see the sleigh come down the lift with the new Santa and a child glancing around the room, baffled. The new Santa jumps out of the sleigh and jogs up to one of the elves, "Hey, kid, kid. Kid, who's in charge here?" The female elf stops and stares at him, "You are. And I'm not a kid. I've pointy shoes that are older than you. I'm an elf." She turned away from him and continued walking away.

"Uh, you guys, or you girls-- who gives the orders? Who's your boss?" Santa ran to her.

"You are."

"... No, no, no. Uh... W-Who's the lead head elf?"

"You are." Her voice rose slightly in irritation. Bernard struts up to the bickering elf and Santa, "Hey! Who's causin' all the trouble around here?" He demanded his hands on his hips.

"He/She is." They pointed to each other at the same time. Bernard took a deep breath, "Excuse me. Are we on a coffee break?"

 Are we on a coffee break?"

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"We don't drink coffee." The female elf mutters.

"Then I guess the break is over! Back to work; thanks." Bernard watches the elf walk away, and the new Santa frowns at the head elf, "Take it easy on her, will ya? Who are you?" Bernard studies the new Santa in curiosity, "I'm Bernard. Nice to meet you, Santa." The head elf turns on his heel and leaves the room at a fast pace.

The new Santa followed, "I'm not Santa! I've had a rough night. There have been dogs barkin', guns goin' off. Look, my back's killin' me. Have you ever tried to shove a sea kayak down a chimney? I'm tired of this talk." Bernard swiftly turned around and scoffed, "Hmm? The other Santa disappeared, right?" The head elf shook as he continued walking down the hallway, "A complaining Santa. Just what we need..." Bernard thought sarcastically.

Santa chuckled, "Wait a minute. Hey, I know where this is goin'. It wasn't my fault; the other guy fell. It was an accident. I've got homeowner's insurance and a good attorney. Not as good as my wife's, but let's not open up that wound." The new Santa paused before grabbing Bernard's arm and pulling him back. "Hold it a minute. Wh-Whoa, whoa, whoa. How did you know the other guy was gone?" The new Santa released Bernard and gapped at him. Bernard began to feel impatient with the new Santa, "Can I get you a drink?"

"No, I don't want a drink."

"I'm thirsty and hungry too." Then, the sound of a child's voice caught the elf and Santa's attention, causing them to turn and see a little boy bounce over to them. "Charlie, I thought I told you to stay in the sleigh." Santa frowns slightly at the boy.

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