The Babies Are Coming

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Scott stepped up to the pregnant mother, "Alfina." He frowns at her, "You... you're expecting? Who's the father?"

Alfina rolls her eyes, "Of course, he would ask that question." She pondered. Before she opened her mouth, she side-glanced to see Bernard standing nearby. He nods his head and answers for her, coming out from hiding.

"I am."

Curtis turns around and stares at Bernard before calling his name, "Bernard!" The head elf stood there with a smile, "What? No hug?" All the elves swarmed Bernard and hugged him, crying and asking questions. Scott whistles loudly, catching their attention. He steps up to Bernard and wraps his arms around the elf, "You're safe." He breathes in relief. Carol hugged the elf, tears streaming down her cheeks, "Oh, Bernard!" The elf glanced at Alfina to see her snicker in amusement.

Carol's parents, Charlie, Lucy, and her parents, walked up to them with smiles. Bernard glances at Scott with a smile, "Santa?" Scott gripped the elf's shoulders, jabbering, "Are you hurt? What did he do to you? Silver bells, Bernard-"

"Scott!" Bernard grabbed the jolly man's arms, "I'm okay. Alfina healed me." Curtis wrapped his arms around Bernard's waist, making him glance at the elf, "Curtis-"

"I missed you, big brother." Curtis's voice cracked; he sniffled and cried in the head elf's side. Everyone 'awwwed' as Bernard moved his arm around Curtis and hugged him, "Im Mel cin, gwanur." He whispered in Curtis's ear. Scott smiled warmly at the scene, "Bernard hasn't called Curtis 'brother' in years." He thought to himself. Alfina stepped forward, and the elves pulled her in a hug. The protector took Bernard's hand and smiled at him. Carol glances at her parents, seeing them lean against each other, grinning at the elf and human.

Carol and Alfina suddenly gripped their abdomen and turned to Scott and Bernard. "Baby," Alfina whispered, making Bernard's eyes widen. "Oh, Scott, it's time." Carol gasps. Scott glances at his watch, "Oh, about ten o'clock."

"It's time to deliver the package."

"No. Midnight as usual."

"It's time to deliver the package!" Carol panted. Scott turns to her, then Alfina.

"Yeah." Alfina wheeze.

Scott shouts out, "It's time to deliver the package! Baby Claus on the way!" The elves moved quickly, put Carol on the bed, and rolled her to the elfirmary, and Bernard carried Alfina in his arms. Alfina gripped Bernard's sweater and winced, "Bernard!"

"Hold on, Snowflake!" Everyone barges into the elfirmary; Scott rolls Carol to a bed and puts her on there as Bernard does the same for Alfina. The mothers gripped the men's hands tightly as the doctors moved their way over, "Everyone, out of the room! Except for the parents!" Dr. Hismus shouted, pushing everyone back.


The doctor turns to Alfina just as she hits a contraction, "Jingle Bells!" He runs to her side and quickly prepares her for another contraction, "Alright, Alfina. You're doing okay. Just breathe."

Bernard winced from Alfina's death grip, "Hiss..." He glances at his girl as she pants and rolls her head back, "Ohhh." Alfina glares at the doctor, "One month instead of seven." She hissed and adverts her eyes to the soon-to-be father, "Bernard-"

"You only have one more contraction, Alfina. Then you have to push." The doctor mentions. Bernard side-glances at Scott with a nervous glint. "Hey, every man faces this, Bernard," Scott noted, his hands up in surrender as Carol also went through her contractions.

Bernard focused on Alfina, brushing her hair out of her face, "Breathe, Snowflake. You're doing fine." He whispered in her ear. Carol panted and glanced at Scott, "Don't worry, Carol. Everything is okay. Baby elf births arrive in one month instead of the normal seven." Scott shared, wincing at Carol's squeeze.

"Alfina, you have to push." Dr. Hismus orders lifting her legs slightly, preparing for the newborn.



Alfina screamed and squeezed Bernard's hand. Carol also cried out, and Scott told her to breathe. Another doctor ran into the room and helped Carol to push.

"Breathe, Snowflake," Bernard uttered, his hand turning red from Alfina's grip.


"I see the baby's head. Push, Alfina! Push!" Dr. Hismus yells out.

"Come on, Mrs. Claus!" The other doctor urges.

Carol screamed, giving one last push, and a baby boy was born. Alfina squirmed and threw her head back before giving one final scream.



Everyone turned to the baby in Dr. Hismus's arms; Alfina panted, and sweat dripped from her forehead.

A baby girl.

Alfina's eyes widened, and her breath hitched, "Ahhhhhhh!" Dr. Hismus quickly handed the baby girl to one of the nurses and at the protector's side, "Twins!" He shouted.

Bernard couldn't believe it; they were having twins! Alfina did a few more pushes, and a baby boy appeared. Then, finally, she plopped her head on the pillow, exhausted. "Jingle Bells..." She muttered in a tired voice; her hand released Bernard's and on the bed next to her side.

Scott and Carol smiled at their son and faced Bernard and Alfina, "Congratulations, you two!" Scott praised. Bernard took his daughter from the nurse and held her close to his chest. Alfina had her son in her arms, and they glanced over to the Claus', "Congrats to you as well." Alfina smiled.

Carol's parents entered the room with Charlie's stepfather, mother, and sister, "Oh! Let us see the babies!" Sylvia, Carol's mother, squealed in delight. Charlie stepped up to Bernard and smiled down at the baby girl, "We heard the doctor shouting 'twins.'"

"And you heard correctly." Bernard moved aside to show his son in his mother's arms. Only the baby boy had pointed ears and glittery cheeks, and his sister had round ears.

Curtis walked into the room and up to Bernard, "Bernard?" The head elf smiles at the keeper of the handbook and reveals his niece and nephew to him.

Curtis's eyes twinkled, "What are their names?"

Bernard and Alfina glance at each other knowingly, "Jingle." Alfina answered. "And Eve," Bernard added.


Im Mel cin, gwanur: I love you, brother

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