Explaining to Charlie

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Scott and Charlie were watching the polar bears in the zoo one day during the week after school, "They're like the bears at the North Pole, Dad." Charlie spoke as the bears swam up to eat the fish given to them by the zookeepers.

"Charlie, I already told ya. We did not go to the North Pole. That was a dream." Scott denied. Charlie turns to his father, "You're in denial, Dad." On the other side of the Polar Bear Exhibit, Alfina watched them through the glass, making her way slowly towards a pillar to hear better.

"Denial. You don't even know what that means." Scott turned away from the exhibit and began walking away. "Well, you are. I know what happened." Charlie claimed.

"How do you know that? How? You don't have any proof." Scott faces his son. "Proof?" Charlie pulls his backpack off his shoulder and begins unzipping it.

"Why can't we both think of it as just a great dream and forget about it?" Scott rubbed his eyes in irritation.

"What about this? Remember all the neat stuff inside?" Charlie pulls out the snow globe and holds it out to his father. Alfina watches the snow fall from the snow globe, reminding her of the snow falling from the North Pole. A brief memory of being at the Pole, helping the elves, and being with Bernard, made her saddened that she was in Illinois and not at the North Pole.

"Charlie," Scott takes the snow globe from his son, "This is a toy. We used to make things like this at work, but no one bought 'em." He hands it back to Charlie, "Here. I don't wanna talk about this anymore."

Charlie gently sets the dazzling snow globe back in his backpack and zips it up. As they walked out of the zoo, Alfina followed at a reasonable distance, "I know who you are, Dad," Charlie said, "You'll figure it out soon enough. There are a lot of kids that believe in you. You can't let them down."

Scott continued walking down the sidewalk, "Charlie, you're wrong." He spoke, glancing at his son. Charlie gazed at his father for a moment before peering over his shoulder and giggling lightly.

"What's so funny?"

"Nothing." Charlie continued to snicker as a line of reindeer followed Scott down the sidewalk. Alfina continues hiding behind the trees, also laughing at the sight.

"Even the reindeer know who you are, Scott Calvin," Alfina murmurs before heading back home.

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