Unexpected Romance

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After explaining everything to Carol four Christmas' ago, she was astounded to hear the tale. Now, Carol and Santa expect a baby in one month. Bernard and Alfina did their duties in the workshop, moving around from one department to another. Today, however, was different for the pair. Bernard has been staring at Alfina hungrily all day, and the day appears endless for the elf.

Bernard watched Alfina help out next to the stuffed animals' department, stitching some toys as she joked with the elves. Then, finally, Curtis snuck up to the head elf and glanced over to see what Bernard was staring at across the room. The young elf, now almost reaching Bernard's shoulder, smirked. He notices Alfina helping around the main floor, and the head elf only stares at her.


Bernard jumped and instantly spun around, facing Curtis, "How long have you been standing there, Curtis?!" Bernard had his hand on his chest, and his heart thumped against his rib cage from the surprising appearance of the Number Two elf.

"Quit smirking at me. I'm serious!" Bernard put his hands on his waist, waiting for Curtis to answer his question.

"I'm not smirking." Curtis's grin widened, his arms crossed over his chest, and a chuckle escaped.

"Well, stop laughing at me."

"I'm not laughing!"

Bernard grew annoyed with Number Two, "Well, quit whatever it is you're doing!"

Curtis couldn't help but give the head elf a mysterious smile, "Why are you staring at Alfina, Bernard?" He teases. The head elf felt his face heat up, "I-wha-Curtis!" Bernard glares at the young elf.

"You're right. It's none of my business," Curtis waves his hands in the air in a 'forget it' motion, "Whatever you're planning, just go for it." Curtis turns away from the head elf and walks out of the main floor to the naughty-and-nice centre. Bernard watches Curtis with a puzzled expression. The head elf turns away and skims the area, finding Alfina making her way toward him, "Hey, B," She smiles as she stops in front of the elf.

"Hey, Snowflake," Bernard greets, wrapping his arms around her waist. Bernard stared into her green orbs, lost in them. Alfina giggled, "You're doing it again."

"Doing what?" The elf teased, giving Alfina a dreamy smile.

"You're staring at me with a lost puppy expression."

"Well, maybe I like what I see..." Bernard widened his eyes at what he said, "I-I didn't mean for that too; I mean..." Alfina giggled as he stuttered, trying to figure out what to say, "Bernard." She puts a finger to his lips, silencing him, "Are you feeling a little naughty?" She whispered in his ear, "If so, you know where to find me..."

The head elf's cheeks reddened, and a glint flashed in his brown orbs, "Well, maybe I am feeling a little naughty..." Then, his forehead pressed against her own, he murmurs, "And I will find you later tonight." Alfina giggled silently and nodded quickly, "See you tonight, B." Alfina stepped from the elf towards the kitchens to help Judy and Abby with the cookies. Bernard felt his hands twitch, wanting her badly.


Later that evening, Bernard found Alfina sitting at a table, sketching on a large sheet. Leaning over the protector's shoulder, Bernard notices a few rough sketches of a dollhouse. Alfina continued drawing the top floor of the house, adding a few pieces of furniture here and there.

"Hey, Snowflake," Bernard finally spoke, waiting at the right moment for Alfina to review her drawing. "Ahh!" Alfina spins around in the chair and locks eyes with the head elf, "Bernard! Do you have to sneak up behind me!?"

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