Saving Christmas

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Curtis and Santa smashed the headquarters door down and unlocked the closet door. Carol and Charlie reached the room to see Santa and Curtis, untying Bernard and Alfina. "Is that Alfina?!" Carol inquired once the head elf and protector were free from their binds. Alfina encounters Carol, startled to see her standing there, "Carol!" Her voice broke as she limped to the principal and hugged her.

"We have to stop that toy, Santa." Bernard's voice appeared cotton-mouthed and cracked from the gag and tape. Santa nodded his head, and the six of them hurried down the steps with the elves following close behind to the stables.

"Hyah!" The toy Santa yelled, and the sleigh lifted off in the air when they entered the stables. Bernard bit his cheek before circling and whistling in a high key. Santa turns to the head elf in confusion.

"Get out of the way!" An elf shouts out, and they all back away. "What are you doing?" Santa asks Bernard. The head elf confronts Santa, "You gotta save Christmas."

"How am I supposed to save...?"


Santa spins around to notice Chet slip on the floor, "No, no, no." He glances at Bernard, "Please. Don't worry." The elf pleaded.

"Whoa!" The elves backed further away, and Alfina and Charlie followed, not wishing to get hurt. As Chet appears barreling toward him, Santa lifts his hands in front of himself, "Slow down. Stay!"


"Whoah!" Everyone cringed as Chet smacked into Santa, affecting him to fall to the floor, "Ouch! Ow! Oh..." Santa gradually stands up with the assistance of Alfina and Charlie. Santa grabs the reins clasped to Chet, "Thanks. Excuse me, pork chop." Santa tells one of the elves as he jumps on Chet.

"Okay. Chet, this is it. You ready to rock and roll?" Bernard pats the reindeer on the neck. Carol frowns and glimpses at Alfina, "Chet?"

"Yeah. He's still in training." Alfina acknowledged, crossing her arms.

"Has he had much flight time?" Santa peers down at Bernard, altering the reins. Bernard hesitated for a second, "...About a minute and a half." Alfina withered at that input. "He's had a lot of crash time!" Curtis spoke out.

"Curtis!" Santa cautioned. "He's just a baby," Curtis murmurs, staring at Santa. "All right. Let's see what this baby can do." Santa leans forward, "Ready to go, buddy? You know what we gotta do. Hyah!"

With Santa crying out, Chet shuffles on his feet, "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Chet, Chet. You gotta focus, Chet!" Chet cackles as they fly off in the air.

Alfina and Bernard face the elves, Carol and Charlie, "Okay, Everybody! Outside, now!" They both called at once. Everyone sprinted out of the stables, through the workshop, and outside cheering. But, as they burst through the doors, they stopped short. Toy Santa's soldiers sat before them, interested in the sky as Santa aimed to stop the toy.

"Snowballs, on three!" Alfina yelled. Everyone picked snowballs and aimed at the toy soldiers; Bernard and Alfina counted simultaneously.


The elves pulled their arms back.


Charlie nodded his head as Alfina side-glanced at him.





Everyone quit throwing snowballs after acknowledging that it didn't impact them. The soldiers shifted their heads down towards the elves. Bernard clutched Alfina's hand and squeezed it. Alfina nudged his arm and motioned her head to two snowmobiles nearby. Bernard faintly bobbed his head and encountered the elves, "Okay, elves... Let's get 'em!" Everyone gave out a combat cry and charged at the toy soldiers. Moving fast, Alfina and Bernard snatched the snowmobile helmets and leaped onto the vehicles.

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