You Need To Know

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"Alfina! Wait!"

Alfina sighed and turned back to the elf that called, "What is it, Curtis?"

"I know I can't stop you from going after Krampus and finding Bernard. But I need to know the truth. Did you two do it?" He asked once he stopped in front of her, gasping for air. Alfina's eyes narrowed at him, "Excuse me?"

Curtis sighed, "Alfina, that is no ordinary limp you are displaying. You didn't sprain your ankle. You and Bernard did it. Didn't you?" Alfina paled at Curtis's assumption.

"Curtis..." Alfina lowers her bow and gazes back at the elf, "Y-yes. Okay?" She whispered, "We did. We wanted it." Curtis shook his head, his hands on his waist, "That explains why your names were on the naughty list for two full minutes. Just be glad Santa didn't see it."

Alfina rolls her eyes and straps her bow next to her ancestor's gun, "Anything else you want to tell me?"

Curtis grimaced, "Yeah, after doing it with an elf, you can get pregnant unless you used protection and have the baby in one month. If you did it with another human, it's seven months."

Alfina's eyes bulged out of her head, "Wh-what!? Are you serious?!"

"Please tell me you guys used protection."


Curtis grimaced and hissed between his lips, "You didn't!?" The elf groans and slaps his hands over his face. His voice muffled, "I can't believe you two."

Glancing back up at Alfina, Curtis pulls out a small box from his coat pocket, "Here. It helps with the pain you will experience as the baby grows in your stomach. I hope that you will find Bernard before giving birth."

"When exactly is my due date then?" Alfina asked, taking the box and examining it. "If you guys did it last night," Curtis bit his lip, "your due date might be Christmas Eve or Christmas Day."

"How did you know anyways?" Alfina frowned, putting the box in her bag. Curtis smiled weakly, "Judy wasn't the only one who noticed your limp. That's why I grabbed the box. Oh! And before I forget, since you two did it, you are linked with Bernard. If something happens to him, you will be able to feel it. If you feel your arm hurting, that means his arm is hurting. As an example."

Alfina groaned and adjusted her bag, "Alrighty then. Wish me luck!" She turned to the northern mountains and dashed across the snow.

"Good luck, Alfina Alvin." Before returning to the workshop, Curtis whispered, "Judy and I won't tell anyone. We promise."


Alfina pushed herself through the snow; the wind swirled the snow around her cloak, almost driving her hood off her head. It was nearly dusk by the time she reached the foot of the mountain.



Her black boots sunk, and the snow almost reached her knee-high. Alfina blinked her eyes and rubbed them. They felt like they were trying to adjust to another light. "What the hell?" Alfina grumbled. The sun, almost hidden, wasn't the cause of the altered light. The young woman gazes above her to see blinding snow and takes a deep breath through her nose. The elevation might cause breathing problems, but if Krampus could survive in a cave, so could she.

Alfina trudged through and halted. She glances down at her wrists to see what is holding them. But nothing was there. Her wrists felt heavy as if something metallic was latched onto them and pulled down to the ground.

Alfina frowned and decided to continue up the mountain. Her legs gave out unexpectedly, walking through the snow, "Oof!" Alfina catches herself and glances down to see what she tripped over. But, unfortunately, the only thing she could see was snow.

"What just happened?"

She brushed her legs, feeling a heaviness on her ankles. Then she remembered what Curtis had told her. Whatever she feels, that's what Bernard is feeling.

"Hmm. Bernard's wrists and legs feel heavy." Alfina pondered, "What's happening to him?" The wind blew the snow into the woman's face, stinging it. But unknown to her, it wasn't the snow that stung her cheeks. Not even ten minutes after climbing, Alfina stopped.

"OWW!" Alfina gasped and grabbed her head, landing on her knees. Her scalp throbbed like her hair was being yanked by someone. She pushed herself back to her feet and continued on her way. "What is Krampus doing to you, B?" She muttered.




Alfina doubles over, gripping her stomach in pain, "Gahh!" Alfina's eyes widened as she saw a bump form on her stomach.

A baby bump.

Reaching inside her bag, the twenty-four-year-old pulls out the box Curtis gave her and reads the information.

"Once your stomach hurts, the baby bump occurs. Take one pill in the morning and evening daily to ease the pain. Once all pills are gone, go-to consultant for a checkup before birth."

"Ugh." Alfina opens the box, pops a pill in her mouth, and swallows it. As she sets the box back in the bag, a searing pain erupts in her back. Alfina shrieked and collapsed in the snow. The pain lasted for a minute, then faded away like it never occurred. Tears streamed down her red cheeks, and her hand over her mouth.

Krampus is whipping Bernard.

"No..." She sobbed. She sits there, waiting to see what else would take place. Nothing happened for a moment. Then, abruptly, Alfina grabs her abdomen. It felt like something sharp was crossing over it. Sharp and painful. Her eyes widened in fear; something severe and hurting her stomach felt like a blade or dagger.

"Jingle Bells! Krampus is holding a knife to Bernard!" Alfina grunts and tightens her grip on her abdomen. It felt like she was being skinned alive. Then, like the searing pain in her back, the pain faded away from her stomach.

Alfina clenched her fists together. "Krampus cut Bernard's stomach and whipped him!" She growled. She snapped her head back to the mountains and stood on shaking legs.

"You're going to pay, Krampus."

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