Making Canada

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The Council of Legendary Figures has agreed that Jack Frost, troublesome as he is, to do Community Service around the North Pole. So Scott put Curtis in charge of the Winter Sprite while Scott and Sandy fetched Carol's parents. As Curtis drove up on his snow machine, Frost was helping hang signs around the Pole, observing.

"Oh, that's awfully good, isn't it? Guys, I've done it." Frost smiles, climbing down the ladder with a smile. The sign Jack Frost hammered to the building tilted and then fell to the ground with a loud crash, making Curtis jump.

Frost turns to the two elves next to him, "What have you done? Is it going to clean itself up? I don't think so. Quickly, quickly." The elves turned to each other before cleaning up Jack's mess. Curtis sat there, glaring at the Legendary Figure, tossing his gloves back and forth in his hands. Finally, Frost turns and looks at him, "Curtis, I haven't seen the bearded wonder around for a while. Where'd he go?" Frost asked, taking a seat at a table.

"None of your skis' wax," Curtis grumbled.

"No need to be nippy. With all the stress, I wouldn't blame the guy for that escape hatch thing." Frost babbled. Curtis raised an eyebrow, "Escape Clause." He corrected Frost.

"Little elf woman, one cocoa, por favor." Jack called out as an elf walked by, "Right away." She replies.

"Thank you. How does that Escape Clause work, anyway?" Frost asked Curtis innocently. Curtis didn't know what Frost was up to, "Sorry, classified. Elfland Security Act." Curtis was about to put his gloves back on when Frost answered.

"That's just what I'd say."

Curtis stops and faces the Winter Sprite, "What?"

"If I didn't know anything. Don't be embarrassed. Makes perfect sense; big guy would know important stuff." Frost says as the elf hands him a cup of cocoa. Curtis's blood began to boil, "For your information, I'm temporary elf number one. I know all there is about the Hall of Snow Globes." Curtis unknowingly gives away the location of the Hall of Snow Globes. Frost smiles as an idea pops into his head, "Everybody knows about the Hall of Snow Globes. That's not special."

"Not special? Not special?" Curtis hiss before jumping off his machine and stomps in front of Frost, "It's the most top-secret, hush-hush, amazing place in the world. It's where every Santa through history has kept his personal snow globe. How can you say that that's not special?" Curtis growled at him. If Bernard and Alfina were here, they wouldn't hesitate to punch the lights out of Frost. But the elves are forbidden to touch the Legendary Figures so that Curtis can't hit him.

"Because it isn't." Frost says, pulling Curtis out of his thoughts, "Unless you know what it has to do with the Escape Clause, which you don't. I bet Santa doesn't even trust you." Curtis reaches down and grabs a snowball, "Now, you listen here, frostface. Secret Santa snow globe. Santa." He points to the snowball and himself. Putting his hand on the snowball, Curtis phrases the Escape Clause, "I wish that I had never become Santa at all." The Temporary head elf begins to spin around, making 'whooshing' sounds.

"Wait, wait, wait, what's this?" Frost asks, jumping out of his seat in confusion. Curtis continues spinning around as he answers Frost, "This is where I'm transported through time, and everything goes back to the way it was like I'd never been Santa at all." Finally, Curtis stops in front of Frost and gives him a knowing look. Jack Frost inwardly grins as he snatches the snowball from Curtis, "Gets the snow globe, puts his hands on it, says the words, and then whoosh! Job opening: Santa Claus."

Curtis nodded his head, "Told you I know everything."

"Wow. I never dreamed I'd be so well-connected to elves in high places. We really must party in my condo in Gstaad sometime. It'd be fun." Frost complimented as Curtis jumped back on his snow machine. Frost steps up to the elf, "Tell me, how do you get into the Hall of Snow Globes, anyway?"

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