Charlie's punishment

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Charlie ran as fast as possible with the officer chasing him down the school hallway, "He's headed east toward the main entrance!" The officer calls out on his radio, attached to his shoulder. Charlie slams the door open and springs down the steps, only to be stopped by Principal Newman.

"Hello, Charlie."

"Hello, Principal Newman." Charlie pants. The officer stood by the entrance watching the student and Principal; Principal Newman turned Charlie around and guided him back up the stairs, past the officer, and into her office; the officer appeared moments later and showed the Principal a picture on his phone. With an unamused expression, Principal Newman grabs the phone and dials Charlie's parents. Scott answered, and Principal Newman asked for him to arrive at the school as soon as he could.

"Are Laura and Neal on their way?" Principal Newman asked Scott as they walked down the hallway where Charlie waited for them.

"No, I volunteered to go solo." Principal Newman notices Scott's difference from the few days prior, "Oh. You look... You've lost weight. Are you feeling all right?" She asked, a bit concerned for Scott's health and well-being.

"I was until I got this phone call." He answered her with a grumble. Principal Newman walks up to one of the lockers and shuts it, revealing a spray-paint image of her and a Christmas tree. Scott sighs and faces Charlie, "Charlie, you promised you weren't gonna do this again." The Principal stood next to Scott with her arms crossed.

"What's the matter with you? I'm gonna have to punish ya. I'll ground him for... two months." Scott tells her, disappointed in his son. "I thought you were on my side!" Charlie cries out as his Principal shakes her head in disagreement, "I'll go one better. You're suspended."

"But... Dad!"

Scott turns to Principal Newman, "I'm as upset about this as you, but isn't there a punishment that doesn't mean takin' him out of school?"

"What did you have in mind?" She interrogated. Scott averts his eyes between them, "We could... Uh... ah... Community service?" He quickly suggested, hoping that she would agree. Principal Newman hums, "Huh. That's not a bad idea. Okay, Charlie. I want you to start by cleaning up this wall. I want everything off of there by tonight. And then clean off every mark off every locker in this hallway." She orders, pointing to the lockers behind Charlie.

"Every one?!" Charlie complains.

"Do as she says, Charlie," Scott spoke up. "But I have homework, tests to study for." Charlie points out, wishing that he didn't have to clean the lockers. "Not my problem." Principal Newman retorts back, "I have a detention group on Saturday. So we will all get together at the rec centre and scrape off graffiti at 8 am. See you both there."

Scott did a double take and faced Principal Newman, "You say both of us? No, I... I'm very busy. I do a lot of other community services." Principal Newman didn't buy Scott's fib, "That's good. You just got yourself elected parent rep. And, Charlie... We'll talk about the suspension." Principal Newman nodded her head to Scott and walked away.

Once she entered her office, Alfina popped into her head. It has been a while, and she hasn't heard from her adopted daughter.

"Alfina, where are you?"

When Saturday arrived, Principal Newman watched the students clean the graffiti off of the wall. Then, a car pulls up, and other students walk out of the vehicle. "Mr. O'Reilly, Mr. Leary." Principal Newman greeted curtly.

The driver in shorts and holding a basketball walked up to her, "Are you in charge of the gangbangers?"

"They're students, actually, and yes."

 The male scoffed as Scott appeared, holding two cups of coffee, "Keep 'em away from the car. It's new. I don't need some delinquent kids scratchin' it up."

"They're not delinquents. And don't worry about your car." Principal Newman shouted as they walked away. Scott called to the driver, "I'd worry about your legs in those shorts."

"I thought only swimmers shaved their legs!" Principal Newman retorted to the retreating students. Scott laughed, and Carol Newman turned to Charlie's father, "Whoa, good one! Good morning." Scott greeted.

"Good morning."

"Brought you coffee." Scott handed her the coffee cup, and she smiled, "Thank you. So you have a nice-guy side." She spoke, taking a sip of the hot coffee. "I'm a man of many sides. I'm a puzzle. I'm a Rubik's Cube with pants." Carol giggled as she sipped her coffee.

"A laugh! A laugh." Scott grinned, pleased that he was on the Principal's good side. Charlie dashed up to his father, "Dad, it doesn't come off." Scott frowned at his son, "It's not supposed to come off. Hence you've got to be careful where you put it. Hence tagging is serious. Hence your presence here." Carol held back a snort of amusement as Charlie stared at his father.

"Don't say "hence" any more, Dad. It's really annoying." Charlie turned around and went back to the wall to try and clean the paint off. Carol smiled at Scott, "Nicely done!"

Scott snorted, "How do you do it? I have trouble with one. You have hundreds." As they were talking, a little girl wearing a pink hat and coat ran up to Scott, "Hi."


"I was really good this year."

"Is that so? Are you absolutely sure about that, Pamela?" Scott asked, kneeling down to her level. Carol watched in amusement, "I want a doll house and a swimming pool." Pamela spoke with a big smile.

"A swimming pool?" Scott chuckled as Pamela's mother walked up behind her daughter, "I'm sorry. She insisted on talking to you." Scott waved his hand dismissively, "It's not a problem."


"I'll tell you what. If you can promise me you'll be good; I can guarantee you'll have a great Christmas."

"Okay! Yeah!" Pamela turns to her mother and takes her hand, "Come on." Her mother says as they walk away.

Scott stands up and notices Carol staring at him, "Kids get so nutty this time of year." He spoke. Carol grins and points to the retreating child, "Is she a neighbour?"


"Oh. How did you know her name?" Carol asked. Scott glimpses at the girl and back to Carol, "Oh, the... necklace, it said Pamela on it." He answered. Carol hummed and shrugged, "Oh, I guess I missed that. I'm gonna go check on this group." Carol walks away, and Scott glances at his watch to see the power reserve drop to three, "You cost me, Pamela." He muttered.

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