Jack's Plan

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Lucy was walking around the workshop when she spotted Jack coming out of the Hall of Snow globes with Scott's snow globe in his hands, "That's Uncle Scott's snow globe. You're not supposed to have that." She accused, catching Frost's attention. Jack smiled and hummed, "I know. Isn't it great?'

"It's not great at all. You've done a terrible thing. You'll be on the naughty list for life."

"But naughty list people have more fun." Jack laughs. Lucy shook her head, "I'm going for help." Lucy turned around and began sprinting out of the room, "I wouldn't do that." Jack warned and hid behind the door, listening to Lucy call for her parents, "Mom, Dad! Over here, quick!"

"Lucy! What?"

"Come on, hurry!" The girl turned around as her parents followed worryingly, "What's wrong? What's wrong? Sweetheart, what is it?" The door slammed shut behind them, and Frost stood there with an angry scowl, "I told you not to do that." Lucy ignores Frost and faces her parents, "Jack took Uncle Scott's snow globe, and he knows that it's not his." Frost's face turned ice-blue and blew cold air on Neal and Laura, making them back up in the cabinet of canned beans.

"Stop! Stop! Don't! What did you do?" Lucy shouted once Frost stepped away to reveal a frozen Neal and Laura. He turns to Lucy, and his face turns blue, making her flinch. Then, Frost's face turned to normal, "I froze them. Now, am I gonna have to do the same thing to you? Or are you to get in that closet and stay there without saying a word?" Lucy tightens her grip on her snow globe and walks inside the cabinet.

"Smart girl. Oh, smile, will you? I've had kids beg me to freeze their parents. And to think I asked you to be my elf." Frost slams the doors shut and locks them. He then makes his way to Scott's office, where the family is waiting.

"Of course, all those bears are machine-washable. Right. Just put it on the card. I can't be in two places at once. You gotta manage and stop calling every time something goes wrong. I'm a little busy with my family, Curtis. All I want to see is busy, busy worker tushies." Scott paces around in the office, talking to Curtis on the phone. Bud was setting up the lights when the ladder began to roll down, "Hey, hey, I'm rolling downhill. This is not up to code, this building." Jack appears, helps push Bud back to where the ladder was originally, and makes his way to Carol.

"You're number one now. Act like it." Scott groans.

"Why haven't you put the tree topper on yet?" Jack asks Carol, watching Scott hang up the phone and walk up to his desk, "Scott's just been a little busy." Carol answered sadly.

"Tell your dad to do it. And then the displaced Mr. Claus run right over. Go ahead. It'll be fun." Frost whispered with a chuckle. Carol nodded her head and turned to her father, "Dad, do you wanna help me with the tree topper?" She spoke loudly, hoping to get a reaction from Scott, but he didn't glance up as Bud answered, "Yeah, in a minute."

"I don't know who he is anymore." Frost murmurs, and Bud replies over his shoulder, "I don't know who he is, either."

"Neil, Lucy, and Laura should be here for this," Sylvia explains, helping Bud stay on the ladder. Frost turns to her with a grin, "They left a while ago. Some Canadians invited them over for cocoa. You know how they are. Yak-yak, yak-yak, eh? Scott? Tree topper, what do you say?" Frost tries to gain Scott's attention.

"Scott, honey, let's put the tree topper on. We can make a toast." Carol suggested. Scott looks at the list and mumbles to himself as Bud climbs down the ladder, complaining, "You built this on a fault line." Scott drops the list and walks up to Carol, "Millions of kids in Australia go without gifts. What can I do for you?"

"Tree topper."

"Oh, yeah, tree topper. Good." Scott takes the tree topper from her just as his phone rings.

"Scott? Toast."

Scott answers the phone with an apologetic look, "Just a second. Good. Bad. Well, good, for goodness' sake. Yeah. Uh-huh. Curtis, I can't talk right now; I'm putting the tree topper on. It's important. Can't talk. Curtis, please, please, I gotta go. Bye." Jack quickly popped back on his feet from under the tree and smiled, happy that no one noticed what he was doing.



With the phone in Scott's hand, he smiles at Carol and shoves it in his pocket, "Gonna put it in my pocket. I'm not answering that. I'm putting the phone in my pocket. Put it in my pocket. All done. Okay, everybody, as I climb up this beautiful tree, I know we've had our ups and downs. But as I put this tree topper in the traditional place, I just want to say..." Scott ignored the call, and as he set the topper on the tree, it began to fall, making everyone scream.


Carol covered her mouth as she made her way to the shattered topper. "Be careful, honey. Oh, honey. Honey... I think maybe I can fix that. I know you're upset." Scott whispers, making his way to his wife as she tries and fails to resolve the topper.

"You picked up on that, did you?" Bud criticized, making Scott turn to him, "Bud, what is that supposed to mean?"

"If you weren't working all the time, you'd know." Bud retorted back. Jack glanced between the two men and sipped his cider in amusement.

"You don't understand the pressure I'm under."

"Well, it's not as bad as being ripped away from your family and told you can't see them anymore." Bud fired back. Carol faces her parents sadly, "Dad."

"Maybe I invited you here so Carol can be surrounded by family for love and support while I do things you can't even imagine. Rather than make things work, you make things worse." Scott raged. Bud and Sylvia slammed their glasses down on the table, "We're leaving." Bud spat, making Carol gasp, "What?"

"Maybe we shouldn't have come." Sylvia smugly glares at Scott and Carol. Scott gave up and shrugged his shoulders, "Maybe you're right. You shouldn't have come."

"Maybe I shouldn't have come either." Carol sadly stares at Scott. Before he could say anything, Frost quickly jumped between them, "Don't say anything you'll regret. I think we all need to cool down for a second. Why don't you and I take a walk? Let's go. Let's just go." He pushes Scott out of the room as Carol sits down on the couch, and her mother walks up to her.

"Oh, sweetheart."

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