I Am The Real Santa!

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"Well, I think he's learning at an excellent rate." Curtis proudly declares as he walks beside Bernard and Alfina outside the workshop. The two agreed to let their relationship show rather than withholding it from the elves with two weeks until Christmas. And Curtis was beyond happy that he made a bet with a few elves, winning two dozen candy canes!

"Oh, really? This morning he ate a bowl of waxed fruit." The head elf deadpans, his eyes narrowed down at Curtis. The toy Santa strides up to them, the handbook in his hands, "Wait a minute. I need the naughty-and-nice list."

"No." Bernard shook his head, his face grim, lips pressed together in a straight line. Alfina crosses her arms and glares at the plastic parasite. "It says I'm supposed to check it twice." The toy Santa grins smugly, sounding thin and singsong. Alfina felt uneasy with how the toy Santa spoke. Bernard glared hard, "Santa already checked it." He points out.

"No, I didn't." The toy Santa replied with an artificial grin on his plastic face. "The real Santa." Alfina shot back.

"I am the real Santa!"

"I'm sorry?" Bernard frowns at the doll, a thick feeling weighing down on his chest. "I'm in charge here." Toy Santa answered. "What?" Now Bernard is disturbed. Alfina had her mouth open in fear. Then, the toy Santa leaned forward to them.

"I check the list twice. That's the rule. I like the rules. You know how I feel."

"You're misunderstanding." Bernard struggled to reason with the toy, noticing that it was coming to be disastrous.

"No, I'm the rule-maker. I like the rules. Santa likes rules." Toy Santa taunts both of them. Curtis detects the friction surging between the two and the plastic parasite. Before Alfina and Bernard could fire back, Curtis quickly called out.

 Before Alfina and Bernard could fire back, Curtis quickly called out

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"I've got a good idea. How about we have some fun?"

"Huh?" The three face the tiny elf in bewilderment and astonishment. "It's good to have fun." Curtis locks eyes with the head elf and protector, giving them a message. "Right." Alfina settles her hands on her hips, providing the plastic toy Santa with a tooth-clenched smile. Then, finally, the head elf caught on to what Curtis was applying. Bernard scans around the area, spotting Joey and his friends playing football, "Santa, look over there. See those elves? Go ahead. Go play some tinsel football."

"Break!" Joey yells, and the team readies themselves for the game.

"Break!" Joey yells, and the team readies themselves for the game

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"What's the object of tinsel football?" Toy Santa questions. Curtis clears his throat, "Come on down," The toy bends to Curtis's eye level, "If you don't have the ball, get it. If you have the ball, run to the end zone." The two glimpse at each other, and the toy bobs his head, "Okay, I'll go get the football." He hands Curtis the Santa Handbook. Alfina faces Bernard, then the doll.

"Ready, hike!" Joey hollers, and the boys scramble. The toy Santa barrels across the snow abruptly, tackling the elf with the football. "I've got the ball. What are you gonna do? Who's gonna stop me? Come on!" The elves playing launched, hurrying through the snow towards 'Santa.' The toy smacks the elves down. "This is a lot of fun!"


"Oh, so sorry!" The toy mocks an elf. Another elf attempts to slide under 'Santa'; however, the doll halts for a moment, and said elf skids in front of him. The toy hopped on the elf's back and wiped his shoes on his back. "Owww!" The elf yelps at the pressure of the heavy plastic toy.

The only elf standing is Joey. The toy halts and stares at the elf, beckoning him to get the ball. Joey had his mouth open in terror and scampered away from the toy. "Come here! Stop! Slow down when I'm talking to you! Come here, you! Come on." The plastic parasite chased the elf and hurled himself in the air. Joey, however, manages to escape the crazed doll just as it touches down on its midsection in the snow.

Alfina turned her head away the second the plastic parasite barreled at the elves. Bernard and Curtis winced at the sound of elves in distress caused by the doll. Alfina felt sick when she heard an elf get whacked by the toy's arm. Joey races to Alfina and hides behind her. Bernard sighs, "Joey, go inside. We'll talk with Santa." Alfina rubs the terrified elf's shoulder in comfort.

"O-ok-kay..." Joey's teeth chattered, and he instantly stepped on it into the workshop. The doll walks up to the three of them, "Where did he go?!"

"Game over, Santa. They had to return to work." Alfina answered back. The doll bobbed his head, "Okay." He plucks the Santa Handbook from Curtis and strolls back inside. Curtis slowly gawks at Alfina and Bernard, "I was not expecting that to happen..."

"You still like this guy?" Alfina sarcastically answered back, her arms crossed and a furious scowl plastered on her face. Bernard hurries his way to the injured elves and assists by bringing them to their feet.

"Go to the elfirmary." He instructed with a sigh. The elves peer at Alfina and Bernard, "Why did he do that?" One of the elves raised a question, clutching his left arm tight to his chest. The head elf sighs again, "He... Umm..."

"Go to the elfirmary, boys." Alfina orders, pointing her finger to the hospital wing. The elves obliged and attempted to wobble to the department. Bernard's mouth twisted downward, "Curtis," He snapped his head to the elf, "I take back what I said a few days ago, I was right, and you are wrong."

The shorter elf gazed up at the head elf, "It was an accident!" Curtis spoke in defense. Alfina strolled up to Curtis, a disapproving complexion on her face, "Curtis, that plastic parasite just sent those boys to the hospital wing!" She glowered, provoking the elf to shy away from her. Even Bernard recoiled at her upheaval. "Okay! Okay! Alfina," Bernard seized the woman's shoulders and stared into her eyes, "You need to calm down." The twenty-year-old groans, rolling her eyes at the tall elf, "Bernard-" The head elf shook his head, "Go inside, have a nice cup of cocoa, and we'll talk about it. Okay?" Alfina sighs through her nose and trudges back inside the workshop.

Alfina stormed inside the kitchen, her scowl never leaving her face. The elves in the kitchen felt the distress and anger radiating off of the woman and stepped aside as she walked past them. Bernard came in seconds later, followed by Curtis, and began a pot of cocoa for her. The younger elf sat next to their protector and didn't say a word. Bernard grabbed three cups and filled them with the cocoa, adding an extra ingredient to them. Creamer and whipping. Once the cocoa is finished, he hands the cups to Curtis and Alfina. The three drank the cocoa in silence. They were allowing themselves just to enjoy each other's company.

"I hate that plastic parasite," Alfina whispered to the two elves, taking another sip of the cocoa. Bernard glimpsed at Curtis and took a sip of his drink, "We know, Snowflake. We know."

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