Three Months Later

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Alfina eyed the soccer game and noticed Charlie's father sitting on the bench. Studying the man closely, she sees the transformation that Mr. Calvin is going through. He has gained weight, and a grey beard grows on his face. Charlie kept asking Alfina how she knew the elves, but his mother or stepfather constantly interrupted them when they tried to meet up.

"Over here, Steve! I'm open!" One of the kids shouted as they chased the ball. Alfina sees a little girl walk up to Mr. Calvin and sits next to him. Mr. Calvin glimpsed at her and scrambled away until he sat at the edge of the bench. The little girl stood up and tapped him on the shoulder. Alfina sneaks over to hear what the little girl wants and notices more children walking toward them.

"What?" Mr. Calvin frowns at her as she sits on his lap, "I want some ballet slippers," The girl tells him.

"Hi, mom!"

Alfina turned her head to see Charlie's mother and stepfather walk over in shock as they made their way to Scott Calvin.

"Hold on now." Scott gets a boy off his lap, "Wait, wait, I'm not done!" The boy grabs his sleeve.

"Fax me," Scott steps over to Laura and Neal, "Hi. Hey, this probably looks pretty odd, doesn't it? These kids lined up all by themselves."

"Yeah, they did." Alfina pondered to herself and moved behind a tree to hear Laura start panicking about Scott.

Neal stares at Scott, "Scott, I think it's safe to say you're taking this Santa thing to an unhealthy level. Here's my card. Call me." The doctor hands Scott his card as he gaps at him.

Laura had her hand over her mouth as she stared at Scott, "Scott, I- I really have to tell you that this is beginning to scare me. I never in my wildest- well, no, okay, maybe my wildest- but certainly never in my normal dreams would I- but this is Scott we're talking about, and I-"

Neal cuts her off, "Laura, the point." Laura huffs as she glares at her ex-husband. Alfina knew she shouldn't be spying, but she couldn't help being a curious child.

"It's just; I never thought you would stoop to changing your physical appearance in order to make Charlie like you! Do you have any concept of how dangerous this is to a little boy?" Laura finally spoke.

Alfina watches Scott wave his hands at his ex-wife, "Whoa, whoa, whoa! 'How dangerous'?" Charlie dashes over to his parents, "Mom, what's the matter?" Laura kept her eyes on Scott as she grabbed Charlie's arm, "Come on, Charlie. We're going home."

"But we just started!"

The twelve-year-old watches Charlie and his mother and stepfather walk back to the car, and Scott watches them upset. Then, finally, Alfina comes out from behind the tree and stands next to him. Scott glimpsed at her, "Alfina?" The girl didn't say anything, but she stared at him.

"I went to the Pole before," She started, "It wasn't a dream, Santa. I met the elf, Bernard. I was friends with him." Scott stares at her in disbelief. Alfina knew that he didn't believe her, "The clause. Accident or design. You put on the suit; you're the big guy. It's all true." Alfina turns away from Scott, leaving him in a shocked state before he can say anything to her.

The twelve-year-old walked out of the park and wandered down the street. Alfina heads towards her house and enters through the front door. Silence.

"Really?" Alfina huffed in annoyance and began checking the rooms. No one is in the house but her. Stepping into the kitchen, the girl notices a piece of paper on the counter. Her eyes scanned the words on the small form as she picked it up.

'Alfina, your father and I have a military business trip to go to and won't be back for a few months. You can handle caring for yourself at the time.'

Alfina slams her hand down on the counter, furious that her parents would pull a stunt like this! Warm tears slid down her cheeks, "THEY NEVER CARE! I want to go back to the Pole!" She sobbed. Moving away from the counter, the girl runs up to her room and throws herself on her bed, tears pooling out of her eyes and on her pillows.

The following day, Alfina didn't feel like going to school. So instead, she ditched and strolled to the park where Charlie had his game. Then, sitting on the bench, the girl took a deep breath, smelling the trees and grass. The sound of someone walking toward her alerted Alfina that she was in trouble. "Great... Even if they try calling my parents, they won't be able to get an answer for a few months."

"Hello, Alfina."

Opening her eyes, Alfina stares at a beautiful black woman dressed in a yellow-gold dress and a gold-colored headband. The woman helps herself by sitting next to her. Alfina recognizes the woman right away. And the feeling of being in trouble melted away.

"Mother Nature?"

The woman nods with a smile, "Yes, dear." Alfina sits up straighter, returning the smile, "What are you doing here?!"

Mother Nature wraps her arm around the girl's shoulders, "I came to see you. You look upset about something." Alfina leans against Mother Nature and fiddles with her fingers, unsure if she should say anything.

"Take me to the Pole. My parents left me for a few months, and I miss the elves." She finally blurted out. Mother Nature stared at the girl with an amused grin, "I thought you would want to return. Well, that's why I'm here," Her voice instantly turns grave, "You're needed at the Pole. Krampus is returning, and the elves need their Protector."

Alfina stiffened at Krampus' name. Taking Alfina's hand, Mother Nature used her magic to teleport them to the North Pole. Once they arrived at the Pole, Alfina took in the room they were in, "Wow..." Alfina notices the slight changes in the room, "Bernard's office looks brighter than it did in the year 1600."

"Grab your bow and arrows, sweetheart. Bernard will be coming in soon." Mother Nature responds. The twelve-year-old turned her head to the cabinet doors and dashed up to them. She grabbed the handles, pulled the doors open, and saw her bow and arrows sitting in the corner. Alfina strung the bow and strapped the bag around her shoulder.

Turning around, Alfina glances around to see that Mother Nature has disappeared.

"We only have seven months left!"

Alfina perks up at the sound of a male shouting, and their footsteps echo close to the office. The girl quickly jumped into the wheeled seat and spun the chair facing away from the door.


The office door opens and shuts with a bang. Alfina knew that the elf that walked in was staring at the back of the chair. "Probably confused on why his chair is facing the window instead of the door." She pictured. With a smile, Alfina slowly turns around and faces her old friend.

"Hello, Bernard."

The head elf stood by the door staring at the girl he hadn't seen in hundreds of years, "A-Alfina? Is-is that you?!"

"The one and only."

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