Chapter 27 ~ I Can't Say I Missed Talking to Her

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(Hey guys! I have a little update for you guys. I will be having surgery on Monday. Recovery could take 1 day to 3 weeks so I don't know about updates. So happy reading)

I can't belive I lost another loved one. Two of my kids and my husband. I could probably have prevented all three.
Right now we were all sitting in the woods thinking about our next plan. Well Jebidiah and I were the only ones sitting on a fallen tree. I was holding my face in my hands and Jebidiah had his hand on my back.
"I could have prevented him from getting stolen. I could have payed more attention to him in the fight." I said as I looked up at everyone.
Iggy crouched down next to me but stared at Jebidiah," Max it wasn't your fault. Either way we will find Alex. We will find Fang and Raven too. We just need a plan. We have Holden and Rachet now we just need the others, and they are already on their way."
Rachet put one of his legs up on the stomp of the tree, " Yeah. Nothing ever runs smoothly with us, but it's always is good in the end."
"Huh. Maya could appose to that."
Jebidiah pulled his hand away," Who is Maya?"
" I will tell you when this is all over," I stood up," Right now we need a plan."
Holden sat where I just was," Well right now we need to stay around this area and wait for the others to get here. We can try and gather as much information as we can."
Stormy (who I forgot was still here) walk kind of close to Jebidiah," I don't know. Maybe we should head out. They already know we are here."
Ace calmly looked at her. His sleeveless trench coat made a little ripple, "What are you talking about? You're not even suppose to be here."
" She is running just like we are. Why don't you just leave her alone. She is on our side." Jebidiah protested.
" Oh really. Have you noticed that it has only been about three days with her here and we have lost two family members. She could be a spy."
"I'm not a spy! I'm here to help." Stormy says.

"I don't know, " a familiar voice says, " It is hard to know who you can trust anymore."
Everyone whipped there heads around to see a figure coming out of the shadows. She had chocolate shin and black hair.
"Nudge?!" I said
" Max!" Nudge screamed and ran to hug me," I missed you so much! It has bee so long. Is that Rachet and Holden? I haven't seen you guys either. I didn't know you were still alive! Is that Jebidiah? I remember when he was born. And.."
"Haha Nudge slow down." I laughed, " I've missed you too. But we can catch up later. We have stuff we have to talk about."

The Ride Child~(Unforgettable spin off)(Maximum Ride)Where stories live. Discover now