Chapter 11 ~Who Ya Gonna Call?

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(( Hey guys! Don't worry I'm not dead, just tried from school. Ah I forgot how awful it was to do this. Have any of you had to watch 1776 in History. It is so great. You at least have to listen to the songs. Also if I start going into different points of view I'm sorry. I'm so busy right now that I don't even really know that I'm doing it.  Anyway I will let get to the story now.))


    How long have I been here? Is everyone okay? Is my family here too? What about everyone on the island?   My head is kiling me. I feel like someone keeps hitting me in the ribs with a hammer. How long have I been here?


   Max thought it was great watching her boys faces as they turned to see the wings coming out of there back. Jebidiah looked terrified while Alex looked like he was thinking," Now I can finally be Pit for Halloween!"  Either way her Iggy laughed. Ace just sat there like it was nothing new. Which for him it wasn't.

  Then Max's thoughts changed. "If only Fang was here to see this." But he wasn't. But they will get him back soon.


     Iggy could feel Max's tension right away. She was hoping this wouldn't happen for a long time and Fang would be here for it. All she had was him, which wasn't to bad.  Iggy looked over at his son who was watching Raven play with his shoe laces like she had never seen them before. Then she got up and wobbled over to him. Iggy picked her up as three feathers fell from her back.


   Holy crap! Alex thought as wings spread out from his back. He was scared at first, then confused, then excited. All in all he was weirded out. His first insticted was to jump out the second story wing to see if they worked but decided against it. Instead he went to the mirror then hung on the wall by the stairs. His wings were an off white color and had small brown spots ever so often on them. Alex studdied each feather then turned to see his brother still on the ground staring at his wings, his mouth wide open.


  When the heck did this happen? How did I never notice this? I look at myslef in the mirror all the time.Jebidiah thought thinking that he was going crazy. He watched as his brother acted like this was normal. That this happened to him a ll the time, but Jebidiah was freaking out. He wasn't liking this one bit.  He studied his wings, noticing they were different then his brother's.Jebidiah's were a dark brown with a lighter brown at the bottom. 

   Doing as his brother did, Jebidiah went to study the wings in the mirror, leavinga small trail of feathers behind him. Bothe boys compared their wings wondering what birds these were. Ace came to stand behind them," Weird isn't it? Don't worry I can teach you how to fly. You mom and my dad will be pretty busy for awhile."

   Jebidiah turned to look at his new found out cousin," How did you know so quickly? Why did our parents never tell us?"

  "I don't know. Do I look like a parent? Ask your mom later when she isn't busy."


   "We need to leave right away. There is no time to waste." Max said as shepaced theroom. She was well aware that the boys and her daughter were staring at her.

 Iggy stood and cam over to her," Calm down Max. First things first.We can't bring Raven on this trip. We need to get someone to take care of her."

  Max knew right away who to call. As she picked up the phone Jebidiah asked," Who ya gonna call?"

  ALex laughed and asked," Ghostbusters?"

  "No." Max said, "You'll see."

Someone elses point of view point of view cause I am trying to be mysterous

  A women with black hair was cleaning dishes when her phone rang.


 "Hey. This is Max."

" Oh hello Max. What's going on?"

 " I need you over here right away. Something happened. I'll tell you when you get here."

  "I'll be right there sweetie."

  "THnk you so much. See you soon mom."




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