Chapter 12 ~ Just Let it Sink in

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 (So I would like to say sorry for all the errors.My keys are really sticky)


  While Max was calling who ever she was calling, Alex went outside so he could extend his wings and see them at full length. This was scary as heck and so cool at the same time. He was already thought of as a freak and weirdo so this made no change to his life.  It was not like he was going to tell the world either. If his parents never told him this in the first place their must be a reason to keep it.

   Alex also knew this must be the reason of his parents wreck and the reason his father is missing. Now he has to find him. Does he have a clue of what he is going to do? No. Will he probably look stupid and weak through half of this trip?Oh yeah! but will he  let that stop him? Probably so. Because that always happens in animes and video games.


     Jebidiah thought hewas going to have a heart attack, but tried not to have it in front of everyone.Instead he calmly walked (more like ran) up the stairs to him and Alex's bathroom.  He turned around to were he could see a good bit of the wings. As they extended in front of the mirror, Jebidiah almost fainted. This was not okay with him one bit.How could this have happened? How could he not have noticed?

  " Well if you aren't looking for something there is a big chance you won't see it."

  Jebidiah jumped andturned to see Ace standing in the doorway," How did you know what I was thinking?"

  Ace pushed himslef off the door," Each of us have a small power, not all of them are like our parents though.  I can read minds while my dad can tell color by touch and your health. If I remember right your mom can fly faster then anyone and your dad can turn invisable."

  Oh great, Jebidiah thought, another big surpise," How will I know my power?"

   "It will just happen. I woke up one moring to hear my dad thinking weird thoughts about how to attach a bomb to a shoe.  Yours could come any day at the weirdest of times."

   "Will there be any warnings?"

   Ace laughed," Last time I checked no. So if you start having laser eyes or something, you will know why."

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