Chapter 7 ~ Alex, Get the Baby in the Car!

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( Did anyone else hear the great wonderful news?James Patterson is making one more Maximum Ride book! The angels have heard my prayers! It's called Forevermore and comes out 1/19/15! So excited. Also friendly reminder, this is a spin off of my other Maximum Ride fanfic.If you haven't read it yet please do. Some parts might get confusing later on.)


  "Crud!" Jebidiah cursed as he sliced the top layer of his skin trying to cut an apple.

  He heard Alex start laughing. He turned around," You think me bleeding is funny?"

 "No," he kept laughing," Raven just tickled me with a feather.Where did she get it?"

 Jebidiah looked over at Raven. She had three feathers. A black one, a white, and brown," She had a black one earlier. I wonder where she is getting these?"

Alex looked around the kitchen, scanning the perimter," I wonder if birds are getting into the house. Maybe we have holes in the ceiling or something?"

 Jebidiah just shrugged and sat down at the table. He started feeding Raven apple slices. As he did, Raven made a happy gurgling noise and started clapping her hands. Alex played Kingdom Hearts on his DSI and had I'm Not a Vampire by Falling in Reverse playing loudly on his Ipod.

They sat there for a few minutes till the phone rang. Alex looked at Jebidiah," You're getting that."

" I'm feeding Raven."

"I'm beating up Sephiroth((idk how to spell his name))"

Jebidiah groaned knowing he wasn't going to win. He stood up and went to the phone hanging on the wall," Hello?"

"Hello. Is this Jebidiah Ride?" a soft voice asked through the phone


The woman gave a sad sigh," Jebidiah this is the Saint E. Hospital. Your mother has been in a car accident. She is unconscience, but doing fine."

Jebidiah almost dropped the phone. His face  was plastered with worry. He saw Alex looking at him with an arch eyebrow," What about my father, Flynn Ride?"

 "Sorry sir. There was only one person in the car with your mother. She was in the passenger seat, but we thought she might have jolted."

Jebidiah's mouth felt dry," Thank you ma'am. We will be there in a few minutes." After he hung up, Jebidiah went into the kitchen and told Alex everything. They both rushed into action and ran to the car with Alex holding Raven.

Jebidiah sat down in the driver seat," Alex, put Raven in her carseat."

Alex stopped ," I don't know how to work a carseat."

"Well now is your time to learn."

Alex sat Raven in the carseat and tried to work the straps.It took his a few secounds before Jebidiah got out and did it for him," Now hurry and get in the car."


 I felt something in my arm. Voices rushed around me. Not scientest but doctors. She was at a hospital. Where was Fang? No they took him. Someone took him. She watched it happen. Someone took her husband.

 Max wanted to yank the IV out of her arm and search for him. But she couldn't. She was just to tired. Just to tired. Just to.....

The Ride Child~(Unforgettable spin off)(Maximum Ride)Where stories live. Discover now