Chapter 35 ~ On a Trail

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(Ahhh my weeks have been crazy and messed up. But I need to ask a question. It's kinda personal but I need to ask it. So my parents at the beginning of summer were worried that I had depression. I was crying a lot and thinking about death and what happens after death. I wanna try and keep my mind off of things and the best way to do it is reading and listening to music. So if everyone who is reading this could put there favorite songs and books down in the comments, that would be great. I wanna make a playlist. I'll think of it as you guys trying to cheer me up :) ok bye guys. And if I never said it, I love you guys. You guys make me happy!)

We had been walking for three hours now. You are probably wondering why we aren't flying. Well the answer is we were worried we would be spotted. At least in the woods we had cover.
We hadn't found anything or anyone yet but Ace swears we are going in the right direction. He can't tell how close we are but the feeling of them near keeps getting stronger. Or at least that is what Ace told me.
"I think we are almost there. Hopefully this is not a way to be thrown off." Ace said as he took off his beanie and used it as a fan.
" I've been thinking that for awhile, but they don't know you have this power. They don't know you have anything. Hopefully we will get to them soon."
Ace sighed," What happens if we are too late?"
I stopped and put my hand on his shoulder, " Don't even think that. We will find them and they will be okay. "
Or at least I hope.


Erazers came in a little while after I arrived and asked for me to follow them. Dad tried to tell them off but it didn't work. They said nothing was going to happen to me and then they took me away.
I was taken to a small room. It had a metal table and three chairs. Two of which were occupied by Stormy and a girl a little older then me that looked familiar.
"Take a seat Jebidiah. " Stormy said after the door shut.
I gave a single laugh," I think I'll just stand. For some reason I don't trust you. I can't put my finger on the reason why."
The older girl snorted and Stormy almost looked guilty, " Jebidiah I had to do this. My parents asked me to."
"Sounds like a great pair of parnets."
Stormy stood and walked behind the girl. She whispered, " I wish." Then she spoke aloud, "Jebidiah this is my sister Phoenix. She is about to play a big role in your life."

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