Chapter 13 ~ Someone Old,Someone New

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(I'm sorry that I always start off my chapters talking to you guys but I just wan tto make sure I keep you guys upto date with what is going on and stuff so ok. Here we go. Update no. 90200063. First of all old news first.  My chapters will be switching between 1st and 3rd person just to make it a little more dramatic. Also I've noticed some people have read this story but not the old one,So if you didn't know there is an old one then hey there is a one this is somewhat based off of. News! By the time this book is up I will have started and maybe even published the first chapter of my two other fanfictions, requested by two of my wonderful follwers,who will have a dedication in the book itself. Both will be based off Maximum Ride. I keep saying I want to write different fanfics but you guys keep asking for more MR so if you want me to try and write a different fanfic please comment below. You guys commenting on the chapters and giving feedback really do help me write. So please drop a comment I always try to answer back! They help me remember I'm doing thisso have fun reading. Sorry this is so long)


        Everything hurts.

      Everything aches.

    Today was my first day outside, but it wasn't just for fresh air. It never is. I still feel the shock collar around my neck from this afternoon. Not running fast enough. Shock. Didn't throw thatdart fast enough. Shock.  Didn't want to fight a eraser. Shock.

   This is exactly how I remember this place.

   All I see is grey, black, and white with some color added in every once in a while (most of which was chemicals).

  All I smell is chemicals. The scientest smell like chemicals. Even I smell like chemicals.

  All I hear is screams. Torturous screams. Screams of help.  I wish I could help, but I can't. I'm just like them.  Stuck. The difference is,

  I refuse to scream for help.


    My father and mother watch me as I pack for my journey. They have been planning this for a while. Dad has a smile on his face while mom doesn't show any emotion. I think she hates marrying my father, but that is not my problem.

   "You are going to do fine," dad says as he puts his hand on the door frame," We have trained you, hopefullyenough. Follow them around.."

  " In the shadows and report back everyday. I know the plan." I interupt.

  Mom crosses her arms," Then why haven't you left yet?"

   I don't like my mother but I start to leave without any crude remarks. As I walk out I hear my dad say," You know you could be a little nicer to her Star."

    "Sure Dylan. Once I have a reason too."

The Ride Child~(Unforgettable spin off)(Maximum Ride)Where stories live. Discover now