Something Other Than A Simple Bachelor ... Part 1

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And here we are. A week before the wedding. Everything is ready for the great event. The wedding of the year, as the reporters are calling it. The reporters, who literally camped out in front of the family home to get a photo of the future husband and wife and everyone else, or to get more details about the ceremony and all the rest. At Sebastian's direction, the gang patrols around the property 24 hours a day, making sure to keep prying eyes away.

I've already said that everything is ready. And it is, only the future husband and wife have no idea. What do I mean? Let's go see ...


The family is gathered around the pool, drinking cold cocktails to beat the heat.

Mary: Oh, guys... You should see Lois' wedding dress. It's a masterpiece.

Lois: Say no more. I want it to be a surprise.

Sebastian: Just tell me one thing. Is it sexy enough?

The women look at each other and giggle.

Lois: Sexy enough. Oh, yeah.

Sebastian: Then I don't care about anything else.

Alexander: Don't say that, Wolf. The wedding dress is very important. I still remember Jace's reaction when he saw Mary in her dress. His breath caught in his throat. His knees buckled and I held him at the last moment.

Matt: It made sense. My Biscuit was a poem. The most beautiful bride I've ever seen.

Jace: And the groom was nothing to sneeze at either. Right, Sweetheart?

Matt: I'm not denying that, Perverted. I never doubted your beauty. I'm not blind, and I'm not stupid.

Simon: Yeah, but what made you say what you said to him when you saw him? You know, have a lot of kids, etc.

Matt: It was the light. The light that emanated from him. I knew from the first moment he walked into my house that he was charismatic, but on the day of the wedding, when I saw him coming down the stairs smiling, I saw that light. The light of the sun that Mary kept talking about and I thought she was biased by her love for him.

Isabella: I've never heard you talk about Jace like that before. Are you ill or something?

Jace: No, Beautiful. My Sweetheart just decided to show his true feelings for me.

They laugh, and Matt frowns.

Matt: Don't get excited, Perverted. That was a weak moment. It won't happen again.

Jace: I love you.

Matt: Fuck you.

Alexander: And he's back, ladies and gentlemen.

They laugh some more. A few minutes later, Jared gets a message on his phone.

Chloe: Who's it?

Jared: My sister. She says it's all set for Thursday. My mom is coming to help George and Zoe with the kids, and she and her husband are coming with us to the bachelor party.

Alexander: Good. I like your sister's husband.

Matt: How exactly do you like him?

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