Chapter 5 : Beheaded.

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"Look whose finally back." Kaeya's colleague snickered, Kaeya scoffed as he went into the file room (ignoring everyone's whispers and insults).

"Albedo, Albedo, Albedo Albe—Ah!" Kaeya smiled at the file cabinet with name labeled as 'Albedo'.

There weren't many, since Albedo wasn't a common name is L.A, so he found his file rather quickly.

He skimmed his finger across the (unimportant) details.

Albedo Kreideprinz

Age: 20
Birthdate: Sep. 13 2002
Sex: Male
Race: White
Hair color: Blonde
Eye color: Blue
Height: 5'3 / 161cm
Weight: Unknown

Father: Unknown
Mother: Rhinedottir Kreideprinz
Siblings: Durin & Rift
Close relatives: Unknown
Place of birth: Unknown

Address: Unknown
City: L.A
Occupation: Unknown
Phone number: Unknown

Kaeya sighed, he got the information he needed but he still had doubts.

He quickly snapped a picture of the file and sent it to Albedo with a text that said: "Found your file, enjoy being my partner in...crime?".

He put the file back and headed into the main office, he saw a woman (no older then 34) crying to the officer at the front desk.

Kaeya stopped in his tracks, listening to every word that came out of the woman's mouth.

"I saw someone being murdered! He had blonde hair and——and a Victorian white shirt with black pants!" The lady cried out.

Kaeya walked over with a smile plastered on his face, "Excuse me, ma'am?" Kaeya greeted her with a nod.

"Yeah?" She wiped her tears and looked up at Kaeya, trembling.

"I'm Kaeya, and did you perhaps see the man in an alleyway?" He asks with a kind, caring voice.

She nods her head slowly, "Ah, well they're shooting a movie there. You must've not seen the cameras because the camera men were on the roof for an above recording." Kaeya pointed his finger up.

"Oh..I'm sorry then, I didn't mean to waste everyones time." The lady looks back at the police man at the front desk and smiles (still obviously trembling from fear), "I'll be leaving now," Is all she said before walking out.

"A movie ay'?" The officer rested his head on his hand and looked at Kaeya with a smirk, Kaeya's look turned cold as he stared at him.

"Well, look at the time. I have to get home," The officer threw his coat over this back and smirked at Kaeya with a mocking wink as he left.

One by one people began leaving, it was a relief to finally leave work, even though he usually skipped it (wonder how he hasn't gotten fired yet).

Kaeya got to his (crappy) motel, being greeted by his (slightly derpy) orange cat.

"Hey Leo!" Kaeya closed the door with his foot as he ran to give his cat, Leo, a hug.

"Oh, I missed you!" Kaeya kissed Leo on his furry head with a huge grin, the cat meowed at him. His smile turned softer, along with his eyes, "I met this guy named Albedo a few days ago, he's part of the Fatui but...I've figured out how to help him, even if it still involves killing." Kaeya put his cat down and went into his kitchen.

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