Chapter 53 : I Saw Him. (Last Chapter)

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3 years later

8:35 PM

It snowed in L.A for the first time in years.

Kaeya was currently waiting for Rosaria and a few other people in front of a rather tall building. They said to meet them there, but they didn't give any expiation as to why.

Kaeya was also looking at the drawing that Albedo made of him.

I wonder if he's enjoying the snow. Kaeya thought to himself.

No, that's stupid. He's in the Fatui. He's probably painting the snow with blood right now. Kaeya chuckled softly at his own morbid thought.

Suddenly, a strong gust of wind blew, causing Kaeya to loose grip of the drawing.

When the wind calmed down, Kaeya realized he no longer had the paper in his hand.

His eyes widened as he looked in the air for it, it saw it flying away. Eventually to the point he couldn't see it anymore.

Kaeya stood there, shocked. That was the only thing he had left of Albedo...and now it was gone.

Kaeya bit his lip as he got teary eyed.

"Hey Kaeya!" Shouted Rosaria happily from behind Kaeya.

Kaeya blinked the tears away then turned to Rosaria, seeing she brought Venti and Lisa with her.

They were all dressed in winter clothing, Lisa having a dark purple coat with fur on the back, Rosaria having a black turtle neck, and venti have a green jacket with with arctic fox fur.

"This snow is crazy huh?" Rosaria smiled, "We were thinking we should go to that new cafe and get some hot chocolate for this rare occasion!" Venti added.

Kaeya looked at all of them. He felt warm inside, even with all this snow. Is this what being loved felt like? It wasn't like what he felt with Albedo...but it still felt good.

Kaeya smiled softly, he loved them. He loved Rosaria, Venti, and Lisa like family.

"That sounds great." Kaeya nodded.

"Lets go!" Venti smiled widely as he began running to the cafe with Lisa following behind him.

Rosaria looked at Kaeya, smile still plastered on her face. "Come on!" Rosaria grabbed Kaeya by the hand and started running with everyone else.

Kaeya laughed, he soon forgot about the drawing.

Albedo was walking with Zhongli through the streets of L.A, Albedo had wanted to go to the new cafe that opened up.

The cafe was on the other side of the street, but suddenly Albedo heard something crinkle under his shoe.

He stopped and picked it up.

His eyes widened at what it revealed.

"Kaeya?" his voice cracked in disbelief.

Zhongli gave him a strange look.

Kaeya then looked up from the paper.

He was surprised by what was in front of him.

"Come on! You're all so slow!" Venti groaned dramatically.

"We're coming!" Rosaria and Kaeya caught up to Venti and Lisa.

"Jeez, you guys need to do some more cardio." Venti teased, when he went to open the door he suddenly slipped, luckily he caught onto the door handle before he could fall.

They all laughed. Kaeya laughed...Kaeya laughed.

Albedo smiled softly.

"Should we cross now sir?" Zhongli said.

Albedo shook his head, "No, I can visit it another day. We have lots of work to do anyway." Albedo replied, though his voice wasn't cold or stern, it was...happy.

Zhongli nodded, "You're right sir." Zhongli was relieved to hear Albedo like that. He hasn't heard him sound that happy in years.

Zhongli began walking away.

Albedo looked down at the drawing then let it fall slowly to the snowy ground.

He caught up with Zhongli and they began walking back to headquarters.

Kaeya glanced over to the other side of the street.

He saw a familiar blonde walking down that street.




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