Chapter 40 : One Last Kiss.

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Since the invasion, many of the Fatui members had to retreat back to their old base, this included:

Tsaritsa, Zhongli, Dottore, Pierro, Pantalone, Columbia, Arlecchino, Sandrone, Capitano, Pulcinella, and the corpse of Albedo (brought by Dottore).

Along with a few others.
The rest unfortunately died or got arrested.

"Dottore dear," Someone called out, Dottore grit his teeth together in annoyance.

Dottore gave the person a hard reply, "I'm working."

"You can take a break from your little 'Frankenstein' project now can't you?" The person smiled.

"You know I can't Pantalone." Dottore sighed.

Pantalone suddenly went serious, "Well, I really only need you for business matters. The drug that you gave Albedo, Tsaritsa would like more of it after you finish—" "I'm not giving her that again." Dottore slammed his fist on the table.

The room went dead silent.

"I don't know why you care about him so much, you didn't even offer to mentor him instead you made Zhongli do it." Pantalone said.

"And if you say it's because you recruited him then don't. Scaramouche died in there as well and you didn't care." Pantalone sighed, "He always looked up to you. What a shame." Pantalone put on a fake sad voice.

Pantalone walked over to the examination table.

"Is he breathing yet?" Pantalone looked down at Albedo's corpse with an amused smile.

"Yes, he should wake up soon...but I'm afraid he won't remember anything." Dottore put a cover over Albedo's bare body.

Pantalone looked over at Dottore.

Pantalone grabbed Dottore by the collar and pulled him close, "I admire what you do but if you disobey Tsaritsa's orders I will personally skin you alive. So you better get those drugs." Pantalone smiled.

"I thought you hated her," Dottore smirked, "I do, but right now I can't really do anything about that now can I?" Pantalone pulled Dottore a little closer.

Dottore leaned in to kiss Pantalone but Pantalone put a finger to Dottore's lips right before he could.

"I'll reward you after Tsaritsa gets those drugs." Pantalone let go of Dottore harshly and began walking out of his office.

"Bye, love." Pantalone teased as he left.

"Asshole." Dottore mumbled under his breath.

Kaeya had been let out of the hospital, he still hasn't processed all that has happened.

He rushed back home, part of him was wishing that Albedo would be there when he arrived but he wasn't.

Kaeya went into his bedroom and sat on his bed, he couldn't get that image of Albedo out of his mind...he hated it.

He can't be dead...I won't believe it.
Kaeya looked down at his hands, he could imagine the blood on them.

Kaeya made his hands into fists.

Viktors the reason Albedo's dead.
Kaeya stood up forcefully.

He grabbed his coat and began heading to the police station.

When he entered, he didn't see Viktor anywhere. He went up to the front desk and asked about it, "Where's Viktor?" Kaeya tried to sound calm but it didn't work.

The person at the front desk cleared her throat before speaking, "He told me to give this to you, I was told not to open it." She gave Kaeya an envelope.

"Oh..thank you." Kaeya took it, why would Viktor give him an envelope?

"No problem." She went back to working.

Kaeya left and went back home, he was eager to find out what was in the must be something Viktor was ashamed of enough to not give it to him face to face.

When Kaeya got back to the motel, he leaned against the railing in front of his room.

He slowly opened the envelope.

There were two things in it, a note, and a picture facing the opposite side of where Kaeya had opened it.

Kaeya picked up the note and read it carefully.

"I don't know what you gays like so, I'm just giving this to you in case you'd like to jack off to it."

Kaeya looked at the note with confusion, what the hell was he talking about?

He then took the photo out and turned it around slowly.

Kaeya gasped, he felt tears swell up in his eyes as he stared at it...he felt sick.

His sadness soon turned into anger and he took out a lighter from his pocket and began to burn the photo and note.

Once he was down the only thing left was ash, and the sick feeling he had.

The pictures had been of Albedo's dead body, Viktor must've taken it only a few moments after Kaeya got dragged out by Ayato.

Kaeya took out a cigarette from his pocket and lit it.

He couldn't remember the last time he smoked. He knew it wasn't a good coping mechanism but it was the only one he had.

Kaeya but his lip to stop him from crying but it failed.

"I love you." Kaeya mumbled with tears running down his face.

"I just want to kiss you one more time...just once, that's all I'm asking" Kaeya crouched down and put his face in his knees.

"Just one more kiss..."


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