Chapter 20 : The Life Of A "Doctor".

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Albedo took out his gloves.

Kaeya got up and put a hand on Albedo's shoulder, Albedo froze then turned his head to the side to glare at Kaeya.

Kaeya bit his lip and took his hand off looking away.

Albedo turned his attention back to the body and began.

"I'm not sure I follow. You're saying Albedo is 'hooking up' with a police officer?" Zhongli crossed his arms and looked at Childe in disbelief.

"Well, I'm not sure if he's actually hooking up with him or not but it seems like it." Childe sighed, "And this shitty detective almost gave our location away. Do you know how much trouble Albedo had just caused?" Childe pushed his hair back and bit the flesh inside of his cheek.

"No, no..." is all Zhongli replied with as he began pacing back and fourth in Childe's office.

"Of course you wouldn't get it. You think of him as your perfect little son." Childe mumbled under his breath.

Zhongli stopped in place and slowly turned his head to Childe, "What?" He sharply asked.

"Nothing, it's...nothing." Childe got up and walked over to Zhongli, he patted him on the shoulder then left.

When Zhongli heard the door close he muttered curses under his breath.

Kaeya waited outside of the hotel room for Albedo to be finished feeling a bit confused.

Albedo came out with a guitar case on his back, "Where'd you find that?" Kaeya asked to get a conversation started.

"I found it in his bedroom. Obviously." Albedo mumbled the last part.

Kaeya laughed awkwardly and walked alongside Albedo back to headquarters.

"So..are we not gonna talk about what happened?" Kaeya asked awkwardly.

"About how you saved me from almost getting shot or how somehow no one in that shitty hotel called the cops because of the gun shots?" Albedo replied sarcastically.

"The first one." Kaeya didn't find it amusing.

"Then no." Albedo responded darkly.

Kaeya nodded.

It's been a few minutes now and both of them haven't said anything.

Until Kaeya suddenly blurted, "Would you like to come over tonight?"

Albedo waited a few seconds to reply.

"Yeah." He tried to hide his smile, which was successful.

Kaeya was a bit surprised, he thought Albedo was mad at him for whatever reason...but apparently he wasn't mad enough to decline the request of coming over.

Kaeya smiled and felt his heart start racing.
Only if he knew Albedo's was beating just as fast.

The reached the alleyway and said their goodbyes, then they both went back to work.

Albedo walked into the Fatui's headquarters with a smile plastered on his face, until he saw Childe.

He scolded him and walked passed him in a hurry.

Childe followed him to his office.

Albedo walked into his office and placed down the guitar case with Daniel's body in it.

Childe followed and slammed the door behind him.

"What do you want?" He lazily asked, "Tell me why a fucking detective was outside of our headquarters." Childe snapped.

Albedo looked at him, not breaking his hard expression.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Which is true.

"Thoma. You know him? One of the most famous detectives in L.A right now?" Childe returned the same hard look.

"Yeah l've heard of him. Everyone has." Albedo took out a rather large glass jar.

"Well he's tied up in my office right now and I'm pretty sure he didn't just randomly found our location." Childe walked up to Albedo and looked down at him.

"You're not being careful Albedo. It's because of that little dick Kaeya." Childe held back from slapping Albedo when he rolled his eyes.

"You're going to stop talking to him do you hear me?" Childe teethed, Albedo turned his head the other way.

"I said do you hear me?" He repeated himself, Albedo still didn't respond.

Childe huffed then quickly and forcefully pushed Albedo against his desk and pulled Albedo's hair up to make sure he was looking at him.

"Let go you asshole!" Albedo shouted at him, hatred flooding his eyes.

"I said do you hear me?! I'm going to fucking kill that bitch ass Kaeya if you don't stop talking to him, you're going to get us caught you selfish bastard!" Childe yelled at him, "Over my dead fucking body you are!" Albedo kicked Childe off of him.

"You've really out done yourself this time, haven't you, Albedo Kreideprinz?" Childe's devilish smirk made Albedo uneasy.

Before Albedo could even blink Childe grabbed him by the neck, Albedo's eyes widened as he tried process what was happening.

Albedo gritted his teeth together as he struggled to get Childe's hands off of his neck, Childe tightened the grip the more he struggled.

"L—Let go you ass!" Albedo's scratchy voice made Childe grip tighter.

Albedo's eyes began to water from the lack of air, tears soon started falling.

Childe let out a sharp gasp then let him go.

Albedo got his breath and felt around his neck, he looked up at Childe (his eyes still watering) and seemed more surprised then angry.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" Albedo shouted with the little breath he had, which made it come out scratchier then he would've liked it to.

Childe didn't make eye contact, and didn't say anything else and left the office with a slam of the door.

Albedo finally started to get most of his breath back, but his neck was stinging.

He went on the camera app on his phone and looked at it. There was a red sloppy handprint that looked like it wouldn't go away anytime soon.

"Shit." He groaned.


waiting for the day I get fanart of one of my fanfics /j...unless -Author

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