Chapter 23 : The Missing Detective.

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"What will it be then?" She smirked at him.

Thoma took a deep breath out before answering.
"I'll join your sorry excuse for an organization." He looked over to his tied hands then up at Childe, Childe got the sign and cut the ropes for Thoma to sign the slip.

Tsaritsa's took a pen out of her drawer and slid it next to the slip of paper.

"I knew you'd make the right choice." Tsaritsa said as she sat back in her chair.

Thoma gripped the pen in his hand and hovered over the blank space telling him to sign there.

Thoma found himself trembling, if he signed this, he wouldn't be able to get out of it.

"Could you just sign it already? I've had a long enough day." Tsaritsa sighed.

Thoma nodded slowly and, signed his name.

Albedo walked out of his office, it was oddly quiet on the office floor, usually there's screams or arguing...but it was completely silent.

But Albedo honestly couldn't care less.

He walked into the elevator and clicked the floor number for the lounge.

He waited in silence as the elevator slowly took him down to the lounge.

The door opened and Albedo was welcomed by the sound of loud arguing and questioning, Albedo's ears started ringing from the noise, the whole Fatui must have been there.

Jesus Christ.
Albedo covered his ears and began walking to the exit, until he was stopped by Scaramouche.

Scaramouche grabbed his shoulder and turned Albedo to face him, "Where are you going?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I'm not gonna answer that." Albedo replied.

"Ugh.." Scaramouche sighed and rolled his eyes, "Did you hear about the new recruit?" He looked back at Albedo.

"No, and I honestly don't care." Albedo was about to turn away before Scaramouche began talking again.

"He's that famous detective. I believe his name was Thoma. I'm not completely sure though." Scaramouche took his hand off of Albedo's shoulder and put it on his hip (not knowing what to do with his hands).

"I can't tell where the punchline is." Albedo gave him an unimpressed look, "I'm not lying, see for yourself." Scaramouche walked away, revealing a bunch of Fatui members surrounding one area.

Albedo doubted it was really Thoma, but he still felt a bit curious so he walked over.

He pushed a bunch of bulky men and women away (carrying a guitar case with dead people in it really helped with his strength).

Albedo pushed the final guy out of the way and what he saw made him let out a sharp gasp.

It was true. It was Thoma. Why the hell would Thoma join the Fatui?

Albedo then realized Thoma was being harassed by the other Fatui members, though that didn't really surprise Albedo.

Albedo stared straight at Thoma, trying to figure out why he'd join the Fatui so out of nowhere.

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