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This is before Lander is canon

Type: fluff, angst

"So how about we go to a nice cafe or something since school's over?"

"Uh, sorry Luke... I can't, I've got plans..."

The auburn haired boy sighed as he looked down at the grassy paths of the school in disappointment, "Like, right now?"

"Yeah..." Zander fiddled with his purple tie that reached down to his belt, "I-I'm sorry I just can't..."

Luke nodded in understanding, "Ok, that's fine. You go do whatever it is you gotta do, Zander. I'll see you tomorrow." He waved goodbye to his childhood friend and started walking to the path they always walked on to get to and from school.

It was pretty awkward for Luke because Zander was also going the same way, so they just walked in awkward silence.

After reaching the fork in the road, they both stopped simultaneously as they always said their goodbyes here, not at the actual school. "Well, I'll see you." Zander blushed slightly and looked at Luke with a small smile that looked slightly forced for some reason.

Luke smiled back, though more genuine, and gave another small wave to his best friend, "See ya." He called as Zander began walking his own way.

As Zander passed the trees and bushes, all of an orange-brown color, hence it was the begging of another season; fall, he finally reached his street, the scenery was now completely different. Bright buildings surrounded the area, small corner shops also accompanying them unlike what it was just a few seconds ago with the wonderful woodlands.

As Zander approached his house, he unlocked the door, tossing his keys aside and ran upstairs before even saying hi to his mom. Michael wasn't in since he was picking Bethany up from school, and Hailey was staying at school for a couple hours with Sean to work on sound music.

Zander opened his bedroom door and shoved his bag into the corner of the room. He grumbled before face-planting onto his bed. "Why couldn't I have just gone to the stupid cafe with Luke?" He mumbled to himself through the pale purple bedsheets his face was shoved into.

He shot up rather suddenly and brought his knees up to his chest, leaning on the wall to keep himself upright. "Why did I panic in that situation?!" He raised his voice slightly, though it was still pretty quiet, "Why did I tell him I had plans??" He looked up at the ceiling, "I'm such an idiot." He muttered.

Suddenly he heard a knock on the door, follows by a recognisable voice, "Zander, are you in here?"

"Go away." The pianist groaned as he now face-planted into his knees. "I'm not in the mood."

On the other side he knew it was his mom, "Okay, dear, I'll leave you alone." She assured. Zander lifted his head from his legs as he heard the sound of footsteps head down the stairs.

He started getting all frustrated with himself again. He was now desperate to spend some time with Luke. He had been in love with him for years now, and literally everyone knew but him.

"Ugh, he probably hates me now..."


Luke walked into the cafe alone, clutching onto his school bag as he made his way inside.

After finding a table, he set himself down, dropping his bag to the floor next to him. He desperately wished Zander could be here with him, but he had important things to do, and that was ok, Luke didn't want to be controlling over him.

"Hello, what can I get for you?" A female voice snapped Luke out of his train of thoughts as he shot his head towards the waitress.

"Oh, uh, I'll just have a strawberry smoothie please." He answered, a little awkwardly after being distracted from his thoughts.

After the waitress left, all Luke could think about was Zander. He didn't even know why. I mean, of course he'd been crushing on him for several years now, but he didn't always invade his thoughts 24/7. Well, he used to, but only in the recent years of his crushing.

After his drink had been brought to him, he began to drink it, his mind still flooding with thoughts of a certain purple haired pianist. He really wanted to tell him how he felt so badly. Suddenly he had a thought; Why not just tell him tomorrow at school?


"And remember students, homework is due next Friday!" Miss Jones spoke her last words before the end of the school day. It was the end. And Luke still hadn't told Zander how he really felt about him.

After the high pitched ringing of the bell which flooded throughout the entire school, the students all arose from their seats and ran through the halls in all directions.

Luke was one of those students. He ran all the way to Zander locker and proceeded to wait for him. He was so nervous, and was considering to just leave the whole confessing thing for a different time, maybe never.

"Oh, hey Luke." Zander walked up to Luke with a small smile spread across his face. Luke Found it pretty adorable.

"H-hey Zander." He stuttered with a slightly red face. "Um, I-I need to tell you something."

Zander turned his head in confusion, "What is it?" He asked whilst opening his locker and placing his books and stuff inside.

Luke blushed hard and began sweating, "U-um... W-well, I um.." He stuttered, fiddling nervously with the grey scarf wrapped loosely around his neck.

"Are you okay, Luke?" Zander asked as he closed his locker and looked him straight in the eyes, "You know you can tell me anything! No need to get nervous."

Luke blushed before feeling a feeling of determination. Something that just told him to go for it. He'd had enough of hiding something so big from the person he cared about so much, more than anything or anyone. Zander was his world, his favourite person, his everything, and he didn't even know. That made Luke feel guilty how he felt all these things about Zander without him even knowing, so just like that, he went in and kissed Zander directly on the lips.

Zander blinked back in shock. Pure and utter shock. After Luke pulled away, he stared frantically stuttering, "Uh, I-I um, Z-Zander I'm in love with you!" He squinted his eyes shut after saying those words. Those words that could change his life.

After carefully opening his eyes, he looked down to see an unimpressed looking Zander. His arms were crossed and his eyebrow raised. You could also see the red in his cheeks.

"You're so stupid." He muttered, eyeing Luke.

Luke felt pain in his heart, like he could cry. Did Zander just call him stupid? "I-I.." he stuttered before getting cut off.

"Stupid for not telling me sooner!" Zander's voice gradually got louder and more excited as the sentence went on and smushed his lips against Luke's. The brunette's eyes widened upon the feeling. The feeling of Zander kissing him. Zander was kissing him! He felt like he was in heaven, on cloud nine.

He wrapped his arms around Zander carefully and pulled him closer. After a few minutes, they pulled away.

Zander being the first to speak, muttered, "I've been in love with you for so long." He blushed, still in Luke's embrace.

Luke nodded, "I've been in love with you for ages too."

They both shared small, yet genuine smiles to one another and shared a long, warm hug.

"Love you, stupid." Zander muttered.

Luke chuckled, "Love you too."


Idk how i feel about this one. I kinda rushed it tbh. Hope you enjoyed anyway- bye!! 🧡💜

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