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I don't own any rights to the cover image used, and don't intend to make any money off it.

This story, like all of the ones I have written/am writing are very close to my heart. I hope you love Liam and Will as much as I do. Get through the first couple chapter and I promise it'll get exciting.
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After placing my leather laptop bag and freshly brewed coffee on my desk, I take a deep breath, relishing in the quietness of the large lecture hall before me.

Just a few short moments and my new students will be filling the dozens of empty seats, and another year of teaching history will be in the books.

I was lucky to have obtained my PhD in just 3 short years. It's quite rare, but not impossible to complete this in less than 5 years, but what can I say. Hard work pays off.

By the young age of 22, I had completed university. It was a wonderful day. A moment I will always be proud of for pushing through. The sleepless nights of studying, wired on caffeine and cheap energy drinks are what got me through the day.

With the connections from my professor at the time, he had recommended me to work for his close friend, and amazing historian. Antonio and I travelled many places together over a span of 5 fantastic years. Egypt... It was magnificent. A time in my life I will truly never forget. For good and bad reasons.

We had discovered something amazing, something we thought would never be found, and we did it. Antonio and I. We researched day and night until we finally believed we discovered Cleopatra's missing tomb. It was in an uncharted pyramid, absolutely breathtaking and nearly impossible to get inside.

It was a perfect day.

Until the accident happened and I lost the man I loved and worshipped for 5 blissful years of my life.

8 years later at the age of 35, I've settled my life in the place it all began. The University of California. Berkeley to be precise.

The auditorium doors creaked open, forcing me to jump and almost send my coffee tumbling to the ground. Thank god I caught it just in time, don't want to embarass myself on the very first day.

Brushing back my dark brown hair, I spoke to the fresh faces walking in. "Welcome everyone. Please take a seat, we will begin shortly."

My eyes follow the new faces filing into the lecture hall. Some young, some slightly older, but there was one... One young man who stood out from the rest.

He had pale skin that housed a beautiful sun kissed glow. Freshly styled black hair, cut to perfection. A sharp distinct jawline with slight stubble peaking through. His eyes... His eyes are mesmerizing. A deep blue even more beautiful than the sky. For the young age I can guarantee he is, his figure is also something very... Appealing to look at.

He was remarkable. Stunning, if I may.

The first time I've felt anything in my stone cold heart since Antonio.

Antonio... God, I miss him so much.

I spin myself around, briefly closing my eyes in hopes to relax my erratic heartbeat. Just when I think I've succeeded, the man who caught my attention is sitting front row and center. Directly in front of my desk. Fuck.

Shoving the thoughts of him deep in my mind, I quickly review the notes on my lesson planner before setting it down and stepping in front of my desk.

My arms crossed, slightly leaning against the dark mahogany wood with my left ankle crossed over my right.

I'm falling for you, Professor | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now