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^ Liam Driscoll. If you don't like, use that fantastic imagination of yours. 😘

I don't own any of the photos used in this story, they are just for reference!

Surprise!! Two chapters today. I couldn't help myself 😌

William Barlowe

My eyes opened to the sun peaking through the window, warming my sheet covered body. Except where am... Who's arm is- Oh, shit! It really wasn't a dream.

I just slept with my professor, holy shit.

Carefully, I turned my body so I could face the gorgeous man from last night. I need to remember this moment in case he doesn't let this happen again. I don't even want to think about that yet.

He's even more gorgeous when he sleeps, so relaxed and at peace. Last night was... Magical. Cheesy as that may be. I never would have thought a man that looks like him would be nervous in bed. It was kinda cute if I'm being totally honest.

What shocked me the most is that he wanted me just as bad as I wanted him. I'm just your regular, average looking college student, well maybe a bit above average, not to sound conceded. There's nothing really special about me... But he chose me. Even though I told him we can do a no strings type of thing, there's no way I can sleep with this man and not fall for him, and you know... I think I'd be okay with that, I'm just not so sure Liam would be.

He's smart, attractive, mature... There's so many things I want to know about him and I intend to find out. He's a man that many would want, which is why i'm surprised he's not in a relationship.

Liam's arms tightened around me, and it felt amazing. Before I got the chance to relax in his embrace, his eyes shot open and a look of panic crossed his face.

"Good morning" I said.

He pinched the bridge of his nose, sighing quietly with his eyes closed.

"Dammit." He whispered, barely loud enough for me to hear.

"Do you regret last night?" I said bluntly.

"William, I..." He started.

"Actually, don't answer that. Last night should speak for its self."

"We...We can't do this again, Will. I shouldn't have even left with you... You're my student. I took advantage of you and that's not okay."

"You didn't even come close to taking advantage of me. I'm an adult, I can make my own decisions. You talk as if i'm 20 years younger then you, which I know for a fact i'm not." I scoffed, feeling a wave of irritation encompassing me.

"I'm 35, Will. That's still ten years. You have college left, things to see, people to meet."

I brought my hand up slowly to trace the outline of Liam's jaw. My chest pressed flush against his side.

"I don't care about your age Liam. I'm attracted to you, that's all that should matter."

"I'm sorry, I can't... I think," he took a deep breath. "I think you need to leave, William. This has already gone further then it should have. Nothing can come of this. Of us."

I could feel myself shrinking away at his words. I had a feeling he would say this, but to actually hear him say it out loud... I don't know why it hurts so much, he's nothing but a stranger. I don't even know his birthday. Anything about him really.

I've just never met anyone like him.

Clearly i've overstayed my welcome.

...Actually, I don't even think I was welcomed in the first place.

I'm falling for you, Professor | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now