Twenty Four

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William Barlowe

"I'm telling you, Chris. There was someone there... When we went to the cemetery. I got such a weird feeling, I don't even know how to explain it." I said, leaning back into his couch.

"You're probably seeing shit, dude. Did you take anything before you went?" He asked.


"No you dumbass! Why would I take drugs before going to see Liam's deceased lover? And I don't even do drugs!" I exclaimed.

"Well, you never know! You're in college, man! Shit happens." He shrugged his shoulders.

"I don't know what to tell you. Maybe you were seeing shit. Maybe it was just a stranger... Or Ohhh! What if his ex lover came back from the dead to haunt you." He said, making ridiculous 'OoOoh' sounds.

"Yeah, maybe I'm just seeing things. I don't know. It was weird though. As soon as he saw me he like left. What if... What if there was a chance he didn't you know... die?" I questioned warily.

"You mean like faked his own death or some shit? That doesn't happen in real life." Chris responded.

"Did you talk to Liam about this at all?" He asked.

"No. I wanted to, but I didn't think it was a good time to, I guess? How would I even bring that up in a conversation without sounding like a complete lunatic." I stated.

"Oh, and his dad was randomly at his house after our date on the weekend, and he said some pretty strange things. Like he could basically ruin his life with the snap of his fingers. I just don't get it. There's been some weird shit happening, and I don't know if Liam's realizing this either."

"That's fucked, my dude. I'm glad Anthony doesn't have some dead, ex lover. Well... He doesn't have one that I know of... Now I have to ask him! Dammit!" He shouted.

"That's so morbid. It's not like Liam can help it... I don't know, maybe I'll do some digging before talking with him about this."

"You do that. I'm going to take a nap, I'm tired af and need my beauty sleep. Anthony's been wearing me out since Friday. I've seen him every day, Will. Every day. For an older guy, he's sure got a lot of energy - and before you say it, no, not in a sexual way. We haven't gotten to that point yet, but it might. It might, I don't know. All I know is I need a nap, so chill if you want, let yourself out later, whatever you want." He smiled a little too widely, almost creepily and flopped face first onto the couch.

Yeah, I'm going back to my dorm.

I locked his place on the way out, and drove back to the university. Liam had some papers to grade. I didn't want to disturb him, so I said I'd stay here tonight.

He was pouting about it, but I told him I'd come by tomorrow with a nice little surprise for him. That made him smile, but now he's texting me non stop trying to get it out of me.

Well, you know what Liam? I happen to be a master at surprises and my lips are sealed shut.

A short while later, I arrived back at my dorm, and turned on my laptop.

I opened up the browser, typing in 'Antonio Giovani' into the search bar.

"33 year old, archaeologist Antonio Giovani involved in major accident."

"Antonio Giovani dead at just 33 years old."

"Death in Egypt tomb, world-renowned archaeologist deceased."

The list goes on, and on, and on... I'm actually sort of surprised I haven't heard of Antonio before. It was quite a while ago though so I guess that would make sense.

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