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Liam Driscoll

I spent my entire lecture speaking of the ancient artifacts and architecture of Rome. I've had the opportunity to experience the great monuments first hand. I advised my students to research a Roman artifact or monument that catches their attention, then to write another essay explaining the history on the chosen topic by the end of the week. We have class four out of the five days in the week, making Wednesday's my day off.

Technically not a day off, I usually still spend it here just without a class. My days are spent cooped up in my office, marking and reviewing essays.

Class came to an end and William left without a word. Not that I was expecting him to speak with me, but after earlier... Ah, he's such a tease. He's driving me crazy. Two days I've known him yet somehow he's occupying all of my thoughts. Two damn days.

I pack up my belongings yet again and take the long stroll to my car. Most definitely not stopping for a coffee on the way.

Thankfully without any accidents, I made it to my car and pulled out from the lot.

My phone began ringing through the speakers of my car, startling me the same time a car honks for me to drive through the now green light. "Shit. Hello?"

Luke - hey old man, what're you doing tonight?!

Liam - Who do you think you're calling old man, you're literally two years younger than me. Asshole.

Luke - yeah, yeah. You're still older. Anyways! We're going out tonight for Jaspers birthday. You better be coming!

Liam - I don't know, man. I've got papers to grade and-

Luke - None of that shit. Come onnn! It's his 33rd birthday! Are you really going to miss that?

Liam - It's not like it's a significant birthday. It's 33. Not like he's turning 30... Or 50. I'd rather not be surrounded by loud, obnoxious drunken strangers.

Luke - You act like you're bloody 50 years old. You're young, you need to meet someone, get out there and live your life for once.

Liam - I live my life. I'm perfectly content with my lifestyle.

Luke - Bullshit. Bull fucking shit, Liam. I know you. You're miserable. Go home, get dressed and I'll be there at 9.

Liam - No, Luke-

Fucking bastard hung up on me!

I don't understand why he can't just let me live the way I want. Is it such a crime that I don't want to go out anymore and party? I haven't partied or really gone out in years... Not since... Ah, I have to stop thinking about him. He's not coming back. He's never coming back!

"Fuck!" I yelled, slamming my fist against the dash of my car.

Maybe it'll be good to get out. I need to get my mind off of Antonio and alcohol will do wonders for that.


A few hours later at 9 pm on the dot, an obnoxiously loud pounding on my front door rings out, irritating me to the core.

"I'm fuckin coming, Luke! Christ!" I shouted.

I flung the door open with a frown. "Was that really necessary?"

"Had to make sure you didn't fall asleep, the knock sure woulda woke you up, old man."

"Fuck you."

"Oh, someones in a mood tonight." Luke said with a cheeky smile.

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